Chapter 21

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(Kings&Queens B-side)

Annie: ~It was dark by now and The Kings and Queens was full. Jayden and I walked into the red spades hang out. There were card tables everywhere, men and women with leather jackets sat at the bar, even students our age were having their own little game~

Jayden: Okay well?

Spade 1: Miss LeBlanc would you like me to take you to your room?

Annie: Uh.. No but if you can point me in the direction.

Spade 1: *points down a hall* last door on the right then its the second door on the left

Annie: Thank you! *smiles she and Jayden go down the empty hall and behind the door*

Jayden: How did he *going down the stairs* know who you were?

Annie: Everyone knows the heart of Mapleton *rolls her eyes at the nickname* The question is why do my parents have their own room? *both duck down looking inside the window* There they are *points to her parents* There are the Angles and the Browns... And your parents.

Jayden: Okay but who are the others?

Annie: Probably business partners from Lakeview and Westford.. *watching*

Jayden: Is this what you wanted to see?

Annie: Yes but I need evidence *starts taking picture* I knew it... Acting like they hate the west side.. Yeah right. *closes her phone*

Gaurd 1: Hey!

Annie: Lets go *they both run out an exit and to the front, out of breath*

Jayden: Come on lets go home.

Annie: *nods* Yeah..

(Orlando's drive in B-side)

*The Orlandos and the Summeralls were watching home movies and talking about their dads. They did this every year after their dads had passed, Everyone had fallen asleep only Hayden and Johnny were awake*

Hayden: So did you tell your mom? *watching the fire*

Johnny: About? *also starring at the fire*

Hayden: The drive in fundraiser you're having.. About Mr. LeBlanc offering to purchase the property..

Johnny: No not yet.. *looks over at the car where his mom was sleeping with his sisters* She doesn't need to know...

Hayden: Well when are you going to tell her?

Johnny: Soon

(King&Queens B-side)

Caden: Well I'm surprised to see the heart of Mapleton here.

Annie: My parents are regulars aren't they?

Jacob: Here for the race princess? *smirks*

Annie: Race? *smirks*

Jayden: What are you doing?

Jacob: You coming or not?

Annie: *glances at Jayden* One round *she begged* We don't have a car.

Jacob: *tosses his keys* There lets go

Jayden: *following Annie* You can't even drive Annie.

Annie: Oh really? *turns the car on and speeds ahead of the others. Smiling*

Jayden: How? When?

Annie: The guy I've been seeing taught me now wait in here. *steps out. Sees Jacob* I wanna put in myself anonymously.

Jacob: What's the catch?

Annie: How much is on the table so far? *smiles*

Jacob: $250

Annie: I'll tripple that. *writes a check*

Jacob: *bites his bottom lip smiling* Okay stranger *takes the check*

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