Chapter 26

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[Annie's POV]

~The next flashback was a new night a much cooler night.. The drive in season was gonna be over soon this was the last night they would be open. I was waiting for Johnny, he ran over already covered in dirt and he was wearing a large leather jacket~

Johnny: Cool huh?! My dad gave it to me! *smiles* Well not gave but let me borrow it.

Annie: Wow.. When can I meet your father?

Johnny: You've met my dad *rolls his eyes playfully*

Annie: No I didn't. I've meant your mother and your 3 sisters but never your fa- dad.

Johnny: Hmm *taps his chin* Okay lets go.
~He pulled me into the projection booth. The movie was rolling...~

Dale: Hey there buddy! *ruffles Johnny's hair* And who might this princess be?

Johnny: She's my friend! We meant a couple weeks ago! She's real nice and sweet like carmel corn *the small boy was speaking quickly with excitement*

Dale: Ah John *laughs the young boy smiles and covered his mouth* Now slow down *looks at Annie* I'm Dale Orlando

Annie: I'm Annie

Dale: Its a beautiful name for a princess. *smiles then looks at Johnny* Now what have I told you about girls?

Johnny: *looks at Annie confused* What?

Dale: She's cold John *smile* Its a chilly night so?

Johnny: Oooohh *takes off his jacket* Here ya go! ~I watched my little self giggle as Johnny put the jacket over my shoulders. His dad was sweet that one time I met him~

Johnny: You should come play with us!

Dale: *looks at the movie* Just for a little bit.

~Johnny Dale and I played around. We played tag and other children's games, visions of Johnny and I running from his dad and talking to his mom... It felt like I was part of a real family~

Annie: *Sipping on a soda, Johnny is playing with her hair, she giggles* Stop!

Johnny: Oh I have a present for you! *smiles and hops off the counter*

Dale: Annie, can you promise me something?

Annie: Yes sir?

Dale: Keep that boy out of trouble for me. *he smiles*

Annie: I will try sir! *nods*

Dale: Call me Dale.

Johnny: Annie *sits on the seat* Close your eyes!

Annie: Why?! *smiles*

Johnny: Just do it! Its a surprise!

Annie: That's ridiculous.

Johnny: Trust me you'll love it. *rolls her eyes and closes them* Hold out your hand!

~He places a deck of cards in my hand~

Annie: *Opens her eyes to see a red deck of cards* Whats this?

Johnny: Open the deck Anns.. *smiles eagerly biting his whole bottom lip* ~I was smiling down as I opened the small box the cards were held together by a ring and on each card was a childish drawn picture~

Johnny: Since You're from the east side I won't see you in a loooo *rolls his eyes across the sky* oooooong time, I decided to make a memory book. West side style.

Annie: I love it John! *hugs him* Its amazing.

Mr. LeBlanc: There you are Julianna!

~My father was furious this had been the only time that we came as a family~

Dale: Billy. Calm down.

Mr. LeBlanc: Don't ever come near my daughter you monsters.

~My father picked me up, I looked back at the Orlando's who had hurt expressions on their faces. The movie ended and I was in the back seat as my parents yelled and said we would never go back... Mary and Henry took us when my parents were gone but they said we weren't allowed to leave the car or else we would never go back.~

°*·End of dream·*°

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