Chapter 20

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Mapleton A-side)

William: Where?

Annie: Under the windshield wipers. *tapes a flyer to a pole* ~Johnny had already handed flyers out to the west side of Mapleton so Will and I were putting up and passing out flyers in the east side.. Today I wasn't gonna see Johnny, I would have but I wanted to respect his father.. Today is the day his dad and Hayden's dad died, they died in the salvage yard.~

Bryce: Annie.

Annie: Yeah? *looks back*

Bryce: Whats this? *holds up a flyer*

Annie: *smiles* A flyer Bryce

Bryce: No why are you helping to hang em around?

Annie: I love a good drive in movie.

Bryce: *leans in on Annie* Annie are you dating a Spade?

Annie: *glances at the other football players and cheer leaders* No.

Bryce: Well I wouldn't be surprised *backs up* You have been sneaking out quite a bit

Annie: I'm helping because I'm not a disgusting
stereotype bastard like you! *Bryce was about to slap her she slammed her eyes shut ready for the hit but she didn't feel it, she opened her eyes to see Johnny*

Johnny: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Bryce: *glances between Annie and Johnny* Damn you came quick to come protect your girl.

Johnny: Nah... *throws his hand away* She doesn't have to be my girl for me to come help her from a little boy.

Bryce: Get out, go back to your territory.

Johnny: *smirks* Scared?

Bryce: Not a bit.

Annie: Johnny don't. *steps between Johnny and Bryce* Just go.. "I'm sorry" *she mouths*

Johnny: *sighs* Well I guess I will go but try and lay a finger on any girl and I won't leave so easily.. *on his bike* At least not without breaking a nose.

(LeBlanc Mansion)

Annie: Mother? Father? I'm home..

Ben: Your parents are away, they will be back late.

Annie: *nods* Okay thank you Ben, I am going out tonight.. With Jayden..

Ben: Okay miss LeBlanc..

Annie: *calls Jayden* Hey.

Jayden: Hey Annie.

Annie: I want your help.

Jayden: oooo with what?

Annie: We're going into the west side.. I need to see something.

Jayden: We aren't going to jail right?

Annie: No we won't. Its about my parents.. If you don't want to come I'll just ask Will

Jayden: No its fine, I'll go..

Annie: I'll meet you at Edna's then just don't wear something that will make you stand out as an east sider so much.

Jayden: Where are we going?

Annie: The Kings and Queens.

Jayden: Okay..

Annie: Thanks *smiles* bye *hangs up* ~I was still curious about my parents when they had mentioned him way back. He had something to do with the spades and I was going to figure out what it was. I could have asked Johnny but he has more important things to do that I don't want him to miss, Jayden just thinks I care about my family. Which I do but thats not what this is for~

(Edna's diner A/B side)

Jayden: If we do go to jail, I'm going to kill you.

Annie: *smiles* I'm surprised you aren't afraid of us actually going.

Jayden: *rolls her eyes* Lets just get it over with.

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