Late spring skies and dry air greeted them once they settled by the porch. They did not say anything to each other. Sun beamed on their skin and the noise of their surroundings settle into the background.

"Our goal is for you to be doing ten laps here by the end of six weeks." There was no hint of any uncertainty in her voice. "And then, you'd be running again by chuseok."

He scoffed and she patted his shoulder as if to reassure him.

"Hyung-nim, seriously," his cousin said over the phone. "Even I was surprised. I thought you'd at least say something to her before leaving. But no! We had to find out from uncle that you were already gone."

"Yuan-ah," he called. "Sorry."

There was a short pause from the other line before he heard his cousin sigh. "You're apologizing to the wrong person, hyung-nim. Tell that to Hwajin noona."

"That's why I'm saying it to you," Seungyoun said. "I don't think I can."

"Well, I'm not going to relay that message for you. So, add that in your 'to-do' list."

Lying down with one knee bent to his chest, Seungyoun kept his eyes to the ceiling, ignoring all the sensations he was feeling as Hwajin helped with his exercises. There were some times that she will call his attention just to bring him back to the present. Often, she'd ask him to count and he'd do it just to get over it.

"Don't worry, I'll catch you." Hwajin was standing in front of him, helping him up to the bars.

"No, I'm too heavy." Seungyoun's eyes wondered around, trying to figure out how he can get out of this training.

"I can lift twice as you weigh in the gym," she retaliated. "Here, hold on me."

She placed his arm over her shoulders and pulled him off his chair, holding him up until he reached the bar. His limbs trembled beneath his unbalanced weight. However, he refused to collapse on the female.

"Two steps." Her voice was so close that he could feel the warmth of her breath. "You just need two steps."

Seungyoun willed himself to move his left foot despite the slow reaction. It was as if he was trying to walk in water with a tonne of resistance. There were beads of sweat forming by his forehead and he barely made one step.

"Alright!" Hwajin cheered, bringing him out of his own thoughts. "Just one more, Seungyoun-ssi. Just one more."

He winced. He had gripped the bars too tightly and unclampping his fingers were a struggle in itself. His shoulder muscles were too tense and was too afraid of the pain he'd experience afterwards. So he closed his eyes and dragged his right foot to move.

"Good job. Good job." Hwajin was already under him before he realized it. "That's a big improvement! You should rest now."

Heart pounding and breathing heavily, one might mistake that he ran a marathon. But this was only the result of making two miserable steps. It wasn't even his usual long strides. The two steps were measly a foot apart.

"I hate this!" Seungyoun threw his head back, frustrated at himself. "I can do more."

"Later." Hwajin immediately shot him down. "You can knock yourself out in these two weeks while building your arm strength. But for now, you need to catch your breath."

"I'm tired of doing nothing but those stupid dumbbells."

Hwajin snorted at his comment while Seungyoun clicked his tongue.

"Since you are making bad puns now, maybe you can do four steps this time."

The check-up indicated positive results in his muscle growth and physical development. Although Seungyoun was still wheelchair bound when going out, he was now able to freely control his arms compared to the previous visits.

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