I've Had Enough (1)

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A/N: this is a long ass chapter, sorry for the wait, loves. Also, this DOES have mentions of Little Space. A reminder to NOT sexualize this! ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’ WILL be used. Do. Not. Sexualize. It. Or else.

Warning: Content will speak on SA, Rape, and attempted Rape (I'm already uncomfy, lol, I'm sorry-).

SHIP/S: Enji x Kan x Midoriya (hehehehehe, cause I can-)

Enji watched as Keigo walked out of his office. A yawn escaping his mouth. A knock came to his door and he sighed. More people, annoying. "Come in!" he yelled out, getting things ready to leave for the night. He heard the door open but was busy putting away papers, so he couldn't see who walked in. "Sorry, I'm leaving for the night so we need to make this quick." Enji explained as he put away a red folder. When the red head turned around he could feel the color drain from his face. I'm front of him was a very well built man, white spiked hair and bright blue eyes, he was a lot taller than Enji was and had a smile on his face. "Hello E-" the red head quickly interrupted him. He pushed past and went back to putting things away, his mood changing. "Say my name and I'm calling the police." Enji threatened in a low voice. A low chuckle came from the other man, making the male feel uncomfortable.

"I did give you the name, so shouldn't I be able to say it?" the man asked the other. The fire user laughed as he threw away Keigo's food wrappers. "Please, my mother gave me the name, not you're ugly ass." the male snapped back. "Hm." was all he heard from the man in his office. "The hell are you even here for?" Enji asked him. "We had an agreement, well, restraining order, stating that you stay the hell away from myself and my family." the man laughed at the younger, making him confused. The white haired gave him the papers, making him take it and look to see that the restraining order was never put into place because- "You fucking payed them off?!" he yelled, crumbling up the papers. The man shrugged.

"What can I say?" a smirk came to his face. "I have money, and," he grabbed Enji's face and (author is uncomfy rn-) pulled him close. The red head's eyes widened, trying to pull away, he could feel the other's breath on his lips. Quickly, Enji activated his quirk on his face and watched as the man, who he used to call dad, jump away and hold his hand, a scowl on his face. The red head huffed, grabbed his bag and quickly made it for the door. When he opened it he saw the men, bodyguards. Enji backed up and looked to the man who was, now, making his way to him. The red head froze, he couldn't move, just like when he was younger. The man grabbed Enji's face again and pulled him close. Very close. Enji felt his stomach flip when he met a very familiar warmth on his lips.

Pushing the taller away from him, Enji went for his window. "Don't you-" before his father could finish, he curled himself slightly and jumped out the window. He made a clean fall to the building rooftop beside his own office. Enji felt sick. He ran home, jumping from roof to roof, like he would when chasing a villain. Today was Friday, right? No. Sunday? The red head couldn't remember. His mind was everywhere. He couldn't think straight. His father was here and trying to bring the past back. He couldn't let that happen, he didn't want it to happen again. Without knowing, tears began falling from the red head's eyes. When he got home, he slammed the door open and then shut. Enji slid down the door, finally home, he broke down. He couldn't help it. His face was red from crying and his eyes burned from the tears.

What he didn't know, was that people were in his home. "Dad?" a female voice cut through his crying. He looked up to see Fuyumi and Shoto standing in front of him, both with worried expressions. Enji quickly wiped his face and stood up, brushing down his clothes and taking his shoes off. "Hello." his voice broke when he spoke. The two siblings shared worried expressions with one another. "Dad? Are you okay?" Fuyumi asked her father. Enji turned to her and nodded, trying to force a smile to his face. Fuyumi put her hand on her dad's arm, going to tell him that he can talk to her, but she was caught off guard when she saw him flinch and move away. He held his black bag tight, backing up from the two children. "I'm fine, just, tired. Goodnight." he said quickly and then hurried off to his room.

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