"Because We All Die Eventually. Now isn't the time."

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Ps: this WILL begin when he is a teen in UA. Enjoy the story. ^^

Enji sat in the white bed. His arms wrapped up and slight blood seeping through the bandages. His mind filled with thoughts that he couldn't get ride of.

I can't even end it like a normal person, can I?

Am I seriously this pathetic?

I can't even kill myself.

Who would waste their time with stopping me?

A sigh left the lips of someone in the room. He looked up to see his friend, Toshinari Yagi. The boy wore a white shirt, blue jeans and his black and white tennis shoes. His arms were crossed, his disappointed face made Enji want to burst into tears but, he couldn't. Enji would stay up at night, crying himself to sleep to the point that his eyes began to burn. So, instead of crying his eyes out like a pathetic child, he scoffed at the other. "Don't you scoff at me, Todoroki." Yagi sneered at him. Enji rolled his eyes at the other, the group knew he hated being called by his surname, so Yagi was using it to get something out of him.

"I can scoff at whomever the fuck I want to. You're not my old man, so fuck off." Enji growled at the other. Yagi's disappointed look turned into a symptomatic one. He walked over to the bed and sat down beside the red head.

"We're just kids you know?" he began speaking. Enji looked up at him, confused by what he was talking about. "We shouldn't have to fight our selves out of a cheap death." Yagi spoke again, he looked at Enji, tears rolling down his face silently. "Want to know why?" he questioned the red head. Enji nodded slowly. Yagi took his hands, turning his body to look at the red head, he kissed them and smiled at him.

“Because We All Die Eventually. Now isn't the time.”

Present Time

Enji stood in front of class 1-B, seeing as Kan was there when they were attacked by him and Kan was the only reason they even got away, if they hadn't? Well, let's just say, no one would really hear anything from Enji for a very long time. He had his adult memories, so that was a plus but, he hated something...his teenage body. A lot of people, when he was at UA, really liked it, the boys especially, but he was never really fond of it. Biting his bottom lip, he looked around the class room. Enji wasn't as comfortable with this class as he thought he would be, he really hoped that everyone was as Kan said they were.

He also really hoped that everyone avoided him, even a little bit. But, as it seems, not everything is on his side today. A blond male with grey eyes walked over to him, he seemed normal, but Enji had a gut feeling that this wasn't going to end well. The blond stopped in front of him, his hands in his pockets and a brow cocked at him. The two were the same height, so that was a good thing, on Enji's side to be exact. "You know," the blond spoke up. "I thought you'd be taller." Enji blinked and laughed at the blond's words. Taller? He actually thought he'd be taller at fifteen? "Why-why are you laughing?!" the boy asked, he was obviously shocked.

"Sor-sorry!" Enji said in between laughs. "It's just- it's just that I've never had anyone say that to me." the red head smiled at the other. He hasn't actually laughed like that since he was six, he was happy that someone was able to do that again.

"Yeah, well," the blond looked down and kicked his foot back and forth lightly. "just thought cause you're like, six foot something." Enji smiled and nodded at the response. It's true, he is very tall as an adult, but he couldn't do anything about that at the time, he has his reasons for the way his body is and or was built. The two ended up starting a conversation on hero suits, seeing as the blond wanted to know more about his hero costume and how it worked. Enji found out his name was Monoma Neito, he was actually really sweet and smart and even, the two held a very well conversation until two students came up and interrupted them.

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