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A/N: Let's leave the sadness for a while, yeah? :)

PS. No ships, so sorry to those who love' em! Next chapter SHALL contain a ship though and so will those later on unless said so! Enjoy!❤

Shouta groaned, he felt a weight on his chest and it felt as if the weight was moving. Feeling a poke to the cheek, he groaned again. The raven haired male opened his eyes slightly to see a small red head on his chest. When his eyes fully opened and the child came into view he took in the child's appearance. The child had long, very messy, cherry red hair, eyes big and sapphire, their skin lightly dark and a big smile on their face.

"Hei Aizawa!" the child exclaimed happily, that's when it all came back to Aizawa, Right, Enji. He sat up, the boy on his lap still, and yawned. Looking back down at Enji, he noticed a white patch at the boy's roots.

"Huh, so that explains a few things from UA." Shouta mumbled to himself. He ruffled the child's hair, earning a swat and huff from the boy. Aizawa smiled and moved the boy from his lap and onto the bed. "Be good and stay here, I need to go and grab something." Enji nodded and stayed put, his legs crossed and his smile still on his face.

Shouta took note to buy more clothes for Enji, since he is wearing a black shirt of Aizawa's, way too big but comfortable enough for the child to sleep in. The man left the room and went into the kitchen, he was quickly met with his leg being hugged, arms around his waist from behind and someone hugging him from the front.

Freezing quickly, he looked in front of him to see Hitoshi with his face in his chest, at his leg was Eri, a grin on her face and behind him was Hizashi, whom had his face in the crook of the man's neck. "Good morning Shou.." Hizashi whispered to the man. Aizawa felt chills go down his spine, Hizashi is loud most of the time but ever since Enji came to them for help, he's been calm and quiet.

Shouta smiled and turned his head to kiss Hizashi on the cheek, when succeeded, the three let go and the man picked up Eri, both going into the kitchen so the raven haired man could make them something to drink and eat.

Eri looked to her father, biting her bottom lip in the process. "Daddy.." she said quietly. Aizawa hummed in response as he grabbed four mugs, two being Hello Kitty cups. "Uhm, when Enji-San talks..." the man looked at the little girl with a confused look. He put her on the counter.

"What about when Enji talks?" Aizawa questioned her. Enji hasn't said much to anyone but Aizawa and Hizashi and when he does, it's not Japanese and when it is, it's very little. Eri played with her braided grey hair.

"Well, he talks about his mom a lot!" she said, her eyes getting wide as she spoke. "He seems really happy when he talks about her! But I don't really know what he's saying..." Eri looked down, a frown on her lips and her eyebrows scrunched up together. Aizawa smiled lightly and kissed the girl on the head.

"That's because Enji is Norwegian, he's not from Japan." he explained to the little girl as he grabbed a thing of orange juice and apple juice, for the little ones, and set them beside her.

"Norwigien?" Eri tried to say it like Aizawa had, only to fail. The raven haired man chuckled at the little girl. He poured the apple juice into one of the Hello Kitty cups and gave it to her. "Eh? But I don't drink this kind?" she had a puzzled look on her face, only making Aizawa chuckle more.

"We're going to give it to Enji, I'm thinking about taking you two to the mall today, get you some new clothes." Shouta explained as he poured her orange juice next. Eri smiled brightly and let Aizawa set her back to the floor. As they walked to the room, they were both stopped to be given kisses and hugs by Hitoshi and Hizashi.

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