"At the Lamenting Lake," Jeremy said. "How did you get here?"

Robin looked around. "I have absolutely no idea. One minute I'm eating the most delicious apple pie I've ever tasted, the next I'm here. This place is weird."

"Yep, it's that alright," Nicole said. "I'm glad you're here, even though we now have zero wishes left."

"That's a shame. I really fancy a burger and fries right now."

"So, what's the plan?" Nicole asked, turning to Jeremy. "We can't stay here."

"True. But, the question is where do we go next?"

"Where would the shoes be?"

"That's fairly obvious," Robin replied. "On the dancer's feet."

"So, we go where Waverly is," Nicole added. "Which means the castle."

Jeremy huffed, unrolling the map again, the three amigos searching it for any reference of a castle. Nothing, not one piece of information, or sign, to indicate where the castle might be located. "I'm positive the castle was marked on the map before," Nicole said. "I'm sure I saw a path leading to the edge of an enchanted forest, which the owner of the tavern said would lead us to the castle."

"The map has changed since we first viewed it," Jeremy replied. "There are now five enchanted forests marked on it and as far as I can see no castle."

"This is like one of those memory games," Robin said, peering over Jeremy's shoulder. "Wow, the map really has changed. It's totally different to the one I saw in the tavern. Is it the same map even?"

Nicole and Jeremy looked at each other, then at Robin. Jeremy got there first. "Do you remember what the original map looked like?"

"I think so," Robin replied. "I guess. There's a lot going on with this map."

"There is," Jeremy offered. "But, you saw the layout before it changed. Hopefully your memory of it will be better than ours."

Jeremy scanned the map. "This is hard. Where's Riddle Me Do? If you could show me where that is on here I think I could find the enchanted forest."

Jeremy and Nicole scoured the map, Jeremy eventually spotting rhyming words above a small village in the lower right-hand corner. Robin placed his finger on the location taking his time to recall the map he had seen, eventually deciding the enchanted forest they needed must be the one beyond the Valley of Gold. "Are you sure?" Jeremy asked, alternating his gaze between Robin and Nicole. "If we get this wrong, we're a long way from the other four forests."

"I remember it being near a valley," Robin insisted. "If you think it's not that one."

"No, you're right," Nicole said. "I think I remember the map having a sign for gold not far from the forest. Okay, we go there."

Jeremy rolled up the map once more, handing it to Robin for safe keeping. "Nicole, can I have a quick word?" he said, motioning for her to follow him into the bushes. As soon as they were out of hearing range, he whispered his concerns. "I'm not convinced Robin knows which enchanted forest we need to visit."

"I agree. But, what choice do we have. Time's against us, Waverly's in a castle somewhere and we're out of options. Oh, and wishes. My gut tells me we go to this forest beyond the valley, deal with whatever is thrown at us."

"Under normal circumstances I would agree. But, we have to be sure this is the right way. Otherwise, we'll be stuck somewhere and fail in the quest."

Nicole patted Jeremy's arm. "I trust Robin. My vote is with him."

Returning to the edge of the water, Robin was gazing out at the view. "This is so beautiful. Why would anyone want to leave?"

"I don't know," Nicole replied. "Perhaps because it's coocoo land. This place doesn't play by the rules."

"Is that a bad thing?" Robin asked.

"Guess not. I kind of feel I needed this place to make me realise what's important."

"And what would that be Nicole Rayleigh Haught?"

Nicole prickled at her full name being used, letting it go. "I nearly abandoned my friends because I didn't think I deserved their friendship. Correction, I abandoned you and I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave you behind."

"I'm not mad at you," Robin replied. "A little disappointed you chose Jeremy over me."

"No, that's not right. I didn't choose Jeremy. You're my friend. Jeremy was there for me when I needed him most. You're lucky to have him."

"I am. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you."

"Good. So we go to Gold Valley."

"We go to Gold Valley. Wait, no. We go to the enchanted forest beyond the Valley of Gold."

"That's what I said. Although, I think if we made a detour to Gold Valley it would help the quest."

Nicole looked at Robin. She knew he was smart, on her side, there for her if and when she needed him. He had been a shoulder to cry on when her relationship with Shae fizzled. He consoled her, got her drunk, listened to her tell him she needed to find someone who made her feel like she was the most important person in their life. It wasn't that Shae hadn't done that. Sure, at the beginning, when everything was new and exciting, telling Nicole she was the one. And then, she wasn't the one.

There were no rows, or angry words, just a dullness, a layer of dust collecting on the relationship that told Nicole they were both settling for almost. Almost in love, almost prepared to carry on like this forever. Had she been brave in deciding to move out from their apartment? No, the opposite. She mentally moved out months before Shae made the actual announcement that perhaps they needed some space, that it might do them some good. Had Shae been privy to all her google searches she would have seen her history of flat hunting, and job hunting, and new life hunting. Her quest to find what was missing in her life. Her quest to find joy. That's what was missing. The joy of being with someone, no matter how crazy, or how messy, or how infuriating at leaving soggy towels on the bed. The simple joy of another.

It was a tight squeeze for the three on the half-chewed carpet, huddled together on the remaining piece, soaring high into the sky. Nicole fancied using this mode of transport in New York rather than having to contend with cabs and the sidewalk. It would certainly make it easier to get around the crowded city. The Valley of Gold came into view, a glittering spectacle comprising mounds of nuggets mined by goblins creating a lustrous landscape illuminated by moonlight.

The carpet landed with a heavy thud close to one of the larger piles of gold, the companions assigned the various items from their quest, Jeremy holding the lantern and the blue cape, Robin with the map and the carpet, Nicole with the flute and the rose. She wasn't entirely convinced they needed to have made this detour, hoping they still had enough time to do all they needed to do, sensing she may have lost them some time with her less-than positive attitude in the forest and the water.

Jeremy shone the lantern over the path, pointing to a row of houses. "Guess we're going there," he said, leading the way. Knocking on the first door he waited for it to open, smiling as a man half his size appeared.

"What do you want?" the goblin snarled.

"We are on a quest to save Waverly."

"Are you now? Me thinks you're here to steal some gold."

"Good man, I assure we're not."

"Empty your pockets," the goblin hissed.

Jeremy turned to his companions, rolling his eyes. "You heard the fellow."

Nicole turned out hers first, the goblin grabbing the mirror from her hand. "Hey, that's mine. Give it back."

"A gift. 'Tis mine now."

Next was Jeremy's turn, his hand wrapping around a gold nugget which mysteriously had found its way into his pocket.

The Slipper & The Magic Mirror (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now