2. The League of Shadows

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(Y/N)'s face hit the road as he was shoved out of the prison bus. He slowly got up, gathering himself, then walked towards the mountains.

He kneeled down in one of the meadows, picking one of the blue flowers Ducard had mentioned. He studied it before placing it securely in the folds of his jacket and continuing up the mountain.

He came to a small village as he continued up. The people rushed inside, slamming their doors. Few remained to see (Y/N) crossing through.

"No one will help you," a child said, pointing to the blue flower.

An old man came up near the child.

"I need food," (Y/N) said weakly.

"Then turn back," the old man said.

(Y/N) made no effort to bargain. He just continued on.


(Y/N) heaved himself up over a ridge, and flopped onto the ground. He raised his scarf-wrapped head to see a monastery sat upon the jagged face of the mountain. He climbed up to the door, barely able to bring himself to knock twice on the door.

The door was opened. (Y/N) found himself in a dimly-lit, low-roofed room, filled with small shrines adorned with candles.

In the center of the room was a raised dais, occupied by a dark-robed Asian man with a short white beard.

(Y/N) stumbled forward. "Ra's Al Ghul?"

A pack of armed warriors brandishing rifles came out of the darkness, aiming at (Y/N).

"Wait," Ducard's voice came from nearby. He walked over to (Y/N) as he pulled out the blue poppy from his jacket, holding out his shivering hand.

Ra's Al Ghul spoke in Urdu, which Ducard helpfully translated.

"Fear has been your guide. But now you must advance or fear will keep you on your knees. We will help you conquer your fear. In exchange you will renounce the cities of man. You will live in solitude. You will be a member of the League of Shadows. And you will be without fear." He took the flower. "Are you ready to begin?"

Ducard placed the flower in the folds of his clothes as (Y/N) looked at him.

"Ready? I... I can barely-"

He was cut off as Ducard kicked him in the stomach, sending him back.

"Death does not wait for you to be ready." He hit (Y/N) in the ribs as he stood. "Death is not considerate, or fair. And make no mistake, today, death is your opponent."

He threw his leg straight at (Y/N)'s neck, which (Y/N) was able to block with his hand, standing. He assumed a fighting position, then struck at Ducard, who was able to block and parry his blows.

"Tiger Crane. Jiu Jitsu," Ducard remarked as they fought. "Skilled. But this is not a dance. Facing death you learn the truth." His head collided with (Y/N)'s cheek, causing him to stumble backwards. "You are weak. You are alone. And you are afraid." He crouched over (Y/N), looking into his glazed eyes. "But not of me. Tell us, (L/N). What do you fear?"


Young (Y/N)'s eyes snapped open, finding his father standing in the door.

"The bats again?" Thomas asked his son. (Y/N) nodded. "You know why they attacked you? They were afraid of you."

"Afraid of me?"

"You're a lot bigger than a bat, aren't you? All creatures feel fear."

(Y/N) smiled. "Even the scary ones?"

Not A Hero (MCU x Reader x Dark Knight Trilogy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon