1. A Storm is Coming

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"Harvey Dent was needed. He was everything Gotham has been crying out for. He was...a hero. Not the hero we deserved - the hero we needed. Nothing less than a knight, shining... But I knew Harvey Dent. I was...his friend. And it will be a very long time before someone inspires us the way he did. I believed in Harvey Dent."


In the 2 years since Harvey Dent's death and the signing of the Sokovia Accords, peace had been found in Gotham City. Crime was down, Joker and others like him were in no place to escape, and all was well.

It had been 2 years since the last confirmed sighting of Batman in the States. His refusal to sign the Accords troubled some, but it had been long enough that many now believed him to be only a legend - a fairy tale parents told their children at night.

The party in the grounds of (L/N) Manor was exquisite, to say the least. Many important figures were in attendance, including Commissioner Jim Gordon and the Mayor, the latter of whom was currently giving a speech in memory of Harvey Dent.

"Harvey Dent Day may not be our oldest public holiday," the Mayor was saying, "But we're here tonight because it's one of the most important. Harvey Dent's uncompromising stand against organized crime and, yes, ultimately, his sacrifice, have made Gotham a safer place than it was at the time of his death, two years ago. This city has seen a historic turnaround. No city is without crime. But this city is without organized crime because the Dent Act gave law enforcement teeth in its fight against the mob. Now people are talking about repealing the Dent Act. And to them I say...not on my watch. I want to thank the (L/N) Foundation for hosting this event. I'm told Mr. (L/N) couldn't be here tonight, but I'm sure he's with us in spirit..."

High above, on a ledge inside the Manor's grounds, a man was watching.

The Mayor didn't seem to notice. "Now I'm going to give way to an important voice..."

At the bar, Gordon was reviewing his speech written on a few crumpled sheets of paper. Next to him was the local congressman.

"Ever lay eyes on (L/N) at one of these things?" The congressman asked.

Gordon shook his head. His deputy commissioner, Foley, cut in. "No one has. Not in years."

The Mayor's speech was still going. "He can tell you about the bad old days, when the criminals and corrupt ran this town with such a tight grasp that people put their faith in a murderous thug in a mask and a cape. A thug who showed his true nature when he betrayed the trust of this great man - " He turned towards a picture of Dent - "And murdered him in cold blood."

The congressman watched as a maid walked past carrying a tray of canapés. He stood up and grabbed her back, getting her attention. "Sweetheart, not so fast with the chow."

She turned, a small smile on her face. "Shrimp balls?"

The congressman grabbed a pair and the maid left.

"Jim Gordon can tell you about Harvey Dent..." The Mayor continued.

The congressman looked at Gordon's papers. "Jesus, Gordon, is that your speech? We're gonna be here all night."

"Maybe the truth about Harvey isn't so simple, Congressman."

"But I'll let him tell you himself," The Mayor said. "Commissioner Gordon?"

Gordon made his way up to the mic, looking down at his speech, thinking. "The truth?"

His mind suddenly flashed back to Dent, his face half destroyed, waving a gun in his son's face.

"I have written a speech about Harvey Dent," Gordon continued, the image still fresh in his mind. He folded the speech up and put it in his jacket pocket. "Maybe the time isn't right..."

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