4. Initiation

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"And when you left Gotham," Ducard said, "What were you seeking?"

"To lose myself," (Y/N) said. "I couldn't do anything as (Y/N) (L/N). I felt useless."

"On your journey, you sought knowledge of the criminal world?"

"I needed to understand the thoughts and feelings of those who stand in the shadows. The first time you're forced to steal not to starve, you lose many assumptions about the simple nature of right and wrong. I needed to feel the fear before a crime, and the thrill of success, without becoming one of them. I thought I would find something. I thought I would learn what I needed to do with my skills and my anger. But, the harder I looked the less I knew. Until I wasn't even sure what I'd been looking for in the first place. And I was lost."

Ducard placed a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "You are ready."


Ducard grabbed (Y/N)'s blue flower, now shriveled and dry, and grinned it into dust before placing the dust in a brazier and lighting it.

"Drink in your fear," He said.

(Y/N), dressed in a black ninja uniform similar to the one Ducard was wearing, inhaled the smoke. His vision was suddenly clouded, distorted, with flashes of Chill's gun, his parents, falling, and bats.

Ducard put on his mask. (Y/N) does the same.

"Why the masks?" (Y/N) asked.

Dozens of ninjas dropped from the ceiling, wearing garbs identical to what (Y/N) and Ducard were wearing. Ducard melted into the crowd, faceless among them. (Y/N) walked between their, ranks, searching,

"To conquer fear, you must become fear," Ducard said, his voice coming from all directions. "You must bask in the fear of other men. And men fear most what they cannot see."

Ducard came out and struck, attacks that (Y/N) blocked with his own sword. The ninjas changed their position, hiding Ducard yet again.

"It is not enough to be a man. You have to become an idea. A terrible thought. A wraith."

The ninja nearest to (Y/N) struck. (Y/N) rolled sideways, through one of the walls of ninjas. He looked down at his arm, which had been cut.

One of the ninja walls parted, revealing an ornate wooden box. (Y/N) approached it, his mind spinning.

"Face your fear..." he heard Ducard say.

(Y/N) opened the box.

Bats exploded from inside, causing (Y/N) to dive away as they swarmed around him.

Ducard leapt at (Y/N), an attack which (Y/N) just barely blocked. He rushed to strike after Ducard, but he had hidden away in the ninja's ranks again.

Thinking quickly, (Y/N) slashed the arm of one of the ninjas, who didn't react.

Ducard approached a ninja with a slashed arm, believing it to be (Y/N). "Become one with the darkness," he said.

Ducard held the sword to the ninja's throat. "You can not leave any sign."

"I haven't," came (Y/N)'s voice from behind him.

(Y/N) held his own sword at Ducard's throat, pulling off his mask in victory. Ducard pulled his mask off too, smiling at (Y/N)'s intellect.


Ducard led (Y/N) to the dais where Ra's Al Ghul was seated, as though he hadn't moved an inch since the last time he had seen Ra's.

A ninja placed a tray between (Y/N) and Ra's, containing a bottle and a burning candle. Ducard placed the candle in front of (Y/N) and held out the bottle.

"We have purged your fear," Ducard said, translating for Ra's Al Ghul. "You are ready to lead these men. You are ready to become a member of the League of Shadows. Drink."

(Y/N) took the glass and drank, cringing at the flavor.

"By blowing out this candle you renounce your mortal life. You renounce forever the cities of man. You dedicate your life to solitude."

(Y/N) leaned forward towards the candle, glancing back at the rows of ninjas behind them. "Where will I be leading these men?"

"You will need them in Gotham."

"You want me to go back to Gotham?"

"You yourself are a victim of Gotham's decay. That is why you came here, and that is why you must go back. You will assume the mantle of your birthright. As Gotham's favored son you will be ideally placed..."

"For what?"

"To help us destroy the city."


"When Gotham falls, the other cities will follow in short order. Nature's balance will be restored and Man will finally return to solitude."

"You can't believe in this."

"Ra's Al Ghul has rescued you from the darkest corner of your own heart. What he asks in return is obedience. And the courage to do what is necessary."

(Y/N) stared down at the flickering candle. He then drew his sword, smashing the bottle and tipping the candle, lighting the wood floors on fire.

"What are you doing?" Ducard asked frantically.

"What's necessary."

(Y/N) hit Ducard with the butt of his sword before grabbing his mask and dousing it in flames, tossing it onto the mezzanine with the explosive powders.

Ra's leapt from his throne, drawing his own sword, strikes that (Y/N) was able to parry as flames and explosions consumed the monastery.

(Y/N) rolled out of the way of a falling steel beam, but Ra's Al Ghul was not as lucky. The beam crashed onto him. Ninjas were running in every which way, avoiding flames, falling beams, and explosions all at once.

(Y/N) spotted Ducard and hauled him over his shoulders. He wouldn't let his mentor die, even if he was in a cult dedicated to destroying Gotham.

He carried Ducard out of the monastery, but not quick enough. A massive explosion sent both of them flying forward towards a cliff face. Ducard slid in front of (Y/N), who grabbed his hand as he went over the edge. (Y/N) dug into the ground with the blades on his gauntlet, holding him and Ducard in place.

Slowly, he pulled the limp Ducard over the edge.


(Y/N) carried Ducard down the mountain until he reached the small village about halfway down. There, he left Ducard with an elderly man who had designed to help.

"I will tell him you saved his life," the elderly man said.

(Y/N) nodded in thanks before leaving the rest of the way down the mountain.


(Y/N) had used a pay phone at one of the local bars to call Alfred. It took a good while, but Alfred eventually arrived on an airstrip in one of (Y/N)'s private jets.

"Master (L/N)," Alfred said when they met. "It's been some time."

"Yes. Yes it has. I need a ride."

"And where are we, sir?"

"Bhutan, I think."

Alfred motioned for (Y/N) to come on the jet, which he happily did so.


"Have you told anyone I'm coming home?" (Y/N) asked when they were in the air.

"I thought you might like to surprise a few people."

"No one can know I'm back. Not until I'm ready. I'll need everything on the company. Shareholder's reports, holdings. Everything."

Alfred smiled. "You sound like a man with purpose."

"Gotham needs me, Alfred. Gotham needs a symbol."

"What symbol, sir?"

"I'm not sure. Something for the good to rally behind, and the criminals to fear."

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