22. A Conspiracy Unmasked

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Fury was dead.

Steve had returned to S.H.I.E.L.D for questioning, and (Y/N) had returned to his base in Gotham to figure out who the shooter was.

Alfred was there too, assisting in any way he could.

"Master (Y/N), have you ever considered that maybe you don't want to find this man?" The butler asked suddenly.

"This man killed Nick Fury. And not by accident."

"What if you find out who they are, and they come after you? What then?"

"I'll fight, Alfred. I always have, and I always will."

"And maybe that's the problem."

Before he could respond, (Y/N) heard the security alarm coming from the monitor. He rolled his chair over and looked at the live feed.

Steve and Natasha were there, both clad in civilian wear.

"Um, hi?" Steve said to the camera. On the outside, the base was just a shipping crate locked from the outside. "There's nowhere for me to put in the password Dr. Banner gave me - do I just say 'Ironmansux?'"

(Y/N) walked over to the elevator, rising up and opening the false crate.

"Hey," was all he said.

"We need your help," Nat said, getting straight to the point.

"Does this have to do with the man who killed Fury?"

"Something like that," Steve said. "STRIKE turned on us. They tried to kill me."

"What? Why would they do that? You didn't make a bad joke, did you?"

"No. It has something to do with this." Steve held up the flash drive that Nat used to grab data from the Lemurian Star.

(Y/N) nodded. "Where we heading?"


They took one of (Y/N)'s less-suspicious cars as he drove them to their destination. He eyed Natasha annoyedly as she rested her feet on the dashboard.

"Get your feet off the dash," He said, half yelling. She did so.

She turned to Steve in the backseat. "Was that your first kiss since 1945?"

"I'm sorry, what?!" (Y/N) said, full-yelling this time.

"That bad, huh?" Steve responded.

"You guys kissed?"

Nat nodded. "M-hm. Did it to distract some STRIKE agents." There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. "You seem pretty triggered about that. Did you hope it was you?"

(Y/N) again thought of Rachel, but answered honestly. "Maybe." He shrugged.

She smirked at this, leaving the three of them in silence for the rest of the ride.

After a while, Steve told (Y/N) to stop. He did so, and looked out the window before getting out.

"This is it," Steve said.

"The file came from these coordinates," Nat said.

The sign out front revealed this was the military base, Camp Lehigh. (Y/N) recalled that this was where Steve was trained in the 40s.

"So did I," Steve said, mirroring (Y/N)'s own thoughts.

"Anything different?" The billionaire asked.

"A little."

Natasha was scanning the area with her device. "This is a dead end. Zero heat signatures, zero waves, not even radio."

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