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Snow's PoV:

I was sitting in my room. Well, mine and new Indigo's room.

But I was alone. Which meant I could talk.

The ghosts didn't ignore me.

Right now; however, they were arguing about something. All talking over each other at once, and I couldn't make out what anyone was saying. "Please, Shh" I murmured, but I don't think they heard me.

"Quiet!!" I yelled, and the shouting subsided.

"If you really need to have an argument, please take it somewhere else, away from my son."

"Well he needs to tell them!"

"Maybe he can't do that, Auburn," That was definitely mommy again, "because of the way you have brought your kids up, they ignore him."

Someone coughed. Indigo's dad??

"I think Indie was pure luck" I think Lapis's mommy muttered. "You also raised Lemon and look at her behaviour."

"Don't you DARE talk about my daughters like that" a new voice snarled. Scary voice. I flinched and whimpered, sitting on my bed and hugging my pillow.

"Why do I see ghosts?" I asked myself aloud.

Mommy sat down next to me and hugged me. She felt cold. "Because you're special. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise - I love you so much."

Black's PoV:

Rose was always doing this. Upsetting everyone... going too far. It's almost like she has to be mean to everyone to be happy with herself. Something about this kid... after 5 years of this behaviour, my patience is starting to wear thin. Why doesn't she be nice? She even lashes out at Peach sometimes, and although she pretends to like Emerald, I know there's definitely a lot of tension between them.

And it's like Lemon is learning from her! Lemon is... the less extreme version of Rose. She's always mean to... mainly the younger ones - aside from her sister, because that's just plain old sibling rivalry - but at least she listens to Lapis and kind of is nice sometimes.

However, the pair of them are both nasty to Teal, who has been through way more than enough already... well, they all have, really. But Teal especially. And Rose knows that! She's the only kid who does, and yet she still treats Teal like trash.

Just breathe, James. Jut breathe.

It's just 'cause... I know that if we don't do something about it, (which we have tried, and subsequently failed) then it'll escalate. Like what happened to Thomas when the crew outcasted him... why can't everyone just get along?

I sighed. People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of mankind, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a human, so artfully, so artistically cruel.

Yup. People are the cruelest of all animals. There's no denying that. ASAN is living proof... if only people knew what they were... or, that they even existed!

But then again... as we mentioned before, they're too powerful, we won't be able to stop them. And I definitely don't want to go back there again, ever.

Rose's PoV:

Fine, I'm admitting it. Lime kinda made me feel a little better, helped me realise what the problem was.

So... running away won't help. Like I tried to do before - I can't believe how close I came to jut leaving everyone I knew behind...

No, it won't help. Because no matter wherever I go, the problem will always be with me. That's because the problem is me. All me.
It's in my head, the way I think, the way I behave... consciously or not.

Yet... I still hate Black. He never helped me like Lime did. And I'm fairly certain he hated me because of what my dad did to Lime... but the feeling is mutual, I absolutely can't stand the sight of that stupid imposter, the one who murdered the only person I cared about back when I was eight. So yeah, we hate each other, that's... fine. Just fine.


It's my fault and I have to go apologise to Mango but if I try to do that she won't listen to me and she'll have every right not to trust me ever again because I'm a horrible person and nobody should ever feel sorry for me since all my problems are because of me also I've never brought anything good to the world or made a positive impact in anyone's lives, I'm better off dead.


No, no I'm not.

Really though?

I'm sure.

You are sure? Sure that everyone would be better without you??

Shut up!

Why. You deserve it.

Guess I do...

Now you know how Mango felt.

I regret it. Why did I hurt her?

Because you're a bad person. You convinced Mango she was bad, but you? YOU are the DEFINITION of a bad person.

Is this supposed to make me feel better?

Did Mango feel better about herself? Did you let her feel good about herself?


You're taller than her, Rose. You could reach that lever.

Snow's PoV:

When I finally left my room, I immediately saw Indigo in the hallways. Good.

"Indie!" I yelled, racing up to her, my whole body shaking. "There's s-something I need to tell y-you... important!". I hugged her but she sort of pushed me away.

"What the actual- so you can talk?!" She gasped.


I don't think...

I'm pretty sure that's not my Indigo.

Once I realised what had happened, I stumbled away from new Indigo. Fake Indigo. The bad Indigo.
Breathing faster as I blinked back the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"He can freakin' talk" she muttered under her breath before racing off to the cafeteria.

No... where's my Indie? I want her-

Confused, scared, and alone, I sat down and hugged myself as the emergency meeting alarm sounded.

Too loud... don't like it...

The Babysitter II: Happy HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now