Old Scars

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A/N: heya I'm finally back 😅

HoPe YoU aRe ReAdY fOr ToRtUrE oF iNnOcEnT bEaNs (mainly talking about little Mango here)

Mango: why me?


Plot: *hides*

Lucky: :3

Anyway. To the story! :D

Teal's PoV:

Heh. I thought I knew what was going on, what I was going to see once I finally found Mango. Guess I was right.

Guess Coal was right as well. Right about this mission... this crew....... cursed.

Reactor was where I eventually found her, sobbing over the dead body of her mother, desperately pressing her hands against a wound on her mother's side. "Come on, mummy... you can't go..." she softly whimpered
"Don't leave me... get up, you're going to be okay! I'm helping all I can..."

Do I help her? Do I tell her her mother is dead? Should I leave her to it for a second... ugh, what am I supposed to do?

The small crewmate sobbed, taking off her helmet to wipe her eyes on her sleeve. "You're not gone... no... no... no, this isn't happening..."

"M-Mango..." I mumbled from the doorway of reactor. I hated this place... it was where I had my first fight with Scarlet.

Mango hugged her mother tightly, beginning to cry again. "Please tell me she's okay" she whispered. I've never seen her sad before... this felt painfully familiar, reopened old scars...

I can't tell her that her mom is dead... but at the same time, I can't lie to her like that. "Well..." I began, gathering enough courage to stride across the room and sit down next to her. "You remember how I was talking to my mom before?" Mango nodded, her eyes still filled with tears. "Can you try doing that?"

"M-M-Mummy?" She mumbled, then glanced at me. "Is it working?"

"Yeah, she can hear you. She's a ghost now... you won't be able to hear her, but sometimes they can give you a sign. You just have to look for it really hard." I assured her.

"I love you... a-and I don't want you to leave me... like other mummy did... I still miss her. I know you told me to be happy after she died, and I tried really hard but..."

"Hey, it's okay to feel sad sometimes" I sighed. "I mean... it's just part of life, right?"

"Well... what about you?" She asked, wiping away some more tears, "you're never happy?"

"You're not gonna be like me, okay? I'm just sad because... because.... uh-"
Good point. How come I never got happy again? Everything I used to enjoy... it just feels so empty now. So underwhelming.

Well, that's not actually true. I was starting to get better, but of course that's when Dad suggested therapy. Or, rather, forced it.

"What am I gonna do now?" Mango murmured as she stood up to hug me. "And who... who killed my mummy?"

"Come on" I said, hugging her back and standing up too. "I'll take you back to the cafeteria, and we can try to sort things out. Lime looked after all of us before... he's really nice."

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