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Thomas's PoV:

"Yes. Yes, I think I love you, James."

I smiled as I took his hand, my face probably even redder than his was.

Well this had been an eventful Halloween.

And it was just about to get even more eventful, of course. Because logic.

I yelped in surprise before I realised it was just the door. Trick or treaters, obviously.

"I'll get it" I laughed, practically skipping up to the door, swinging it open with a large smile on my face.

But nobody was there.

Cautiously stepping through the doorway and onto the path, I glanced about but nobody was to be seen. Sighing, I was just about to turn around to retreat into the warmth of the house, when all of a sudden, someone screeched, leaping out from a bush and pelting me with eggs.

"Ack-" I mumbled, protectively holding my hands up to my face to shield myself. As I peeked through my fingers, I saw four other people, older teenagers who were each about 16 or 17, all armed with eggs, loo roll, silly string and suchlike.

I only just managed to stumble back into the house, slamming the door behind me and locking it as quickly as my shaking hands would allow. Through the door, I heard the gang of kids cheering and whooping, then racing away with noisy footsteps.

"Wha-What happened?" James asked, concern filling his voice.

"I don't think the kids should be out" I murmured, "not with people like that around"

"Okay" he frowned as he pulled out his phone. "I'll call Lapis and check they're okay... you wanna...?"

"Yeah I think I'm gonna have a shower" I sighed, there wasn't a single centimetre of my skin that wasn't completely covered. I sure hope our children won't be like that when they're older....

Lapis's PoV:

"Okay! Time to turn around! We don't want to get too far from home" I ordered, "take the next left instead"

"Lapis?" Chocolate quietly asked, gazing up at me and yawning.


"Mhmm" he agrees, nodding a little.

"Okay, we should probably start heading back then" I declare, and Lemon scoffs.

"I told you all he was too little for this"

"Hey" I calmly reasoned, "it's getting late anyway."

Quickly changing her tune, Lemon nods. "Of course, that's right. We should head back." Huh, that's leader power I guess.

Suddenly, my phone began ringing. Of course, I immediately picked it up and accepted the call.

"You lot okay?" The voice came through. James.

"Yup, doing great. Choccy is a little tired so we were thinking about heading back soon" I replied.

"Who's that?" Indigo asked

"Obviously it's da- uh, Thomas" Rose snapped back. She honestly had a problem with the younger ones.

"Okay. Where are you now?" James enquired. "Because there was a group of older kids near the house who were a bit... possibly dangerous."

"We haven't seen anyone else. We're kinda far, but don't worry, we'll be safe. We call if we have a problem."

"Okay" he said, sounding kind of relieved. "Just stay-"

"Safe, yup. Don't worry, we'll be sensible. Love you" and with that I hung up.

Rose fake vomited, and I rolled my eyes before continuing to lead the way.

Coal's PoV:

Yeah, I know I don't want to lead, and I've declined all opportunity to do so, but still... it felt kinda awkward when it was Lapis calling my dad, not me.

"Love you" Was how Lapis ended the call.

Okay, sure, call me jealous or whatever, but...
I just... it's weird, okay? He's my father... a-and I feel like he doesn't have enough time for me any more.

I don't show it, but it's certainly eating me away inside. It's fine, I'm the oldest, why should I get the most attention anyway?

Besides, I'm the only one who didn't lose a parent on the mission. I don't need the help, the reassurance, the guidance.

I'm fine.

Chocolate's PoV:

I was really tired. Too much walking.
Lapis was nice though, he said we should go back because I needed sleep, and he even carried my bucket of sweets for me >:3

But... I still missed my mommy. Whenever I got too tired on the mission, she would carry me. It was fun, it feels like flying.

I still didn't know where we were, too far from home, but Lapis is super clever, he knows where we are! He's just like a map!

But that's when they came... two, then three people. Big, tall kids, even bigger than Coal, and he was 15! So they were huge!

Maybe they are going trick or treating too, they have masks on.

At first they were just crossing the road. Then they saw us, one pointed and the others looked. I smiled and waved to them. They were laughing, they must be having fun. Now they were running towards us.

"G-Guys... lets go, quick!" Lapis ordered in an urgent tone. Why was he panicking? Did we get lost? Maybe those other people could tell us where we were!

We started going in the opposite direction anyway, and Lapis got his phone out again.

Ohh, clever! He could use his phone map!

"Heyyy little kiddies!" One of the other teenagers called in a sing-song voice.

"Don't look, just run" Lapis ordered.

"They're just saying hello" I pointed out. All of a sudden, I felt myself being roughly yanked off the ground and dragged backwards. I screamed and kicked until I felt something cold and metal pressed up against my throat.

"Stop moving. All of you. Or your little friend gets it" the person who was holding me snarled.

Maybe he didn't seem very friendly after all.

The Babysitter II: Happy HalloweenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt