Mistaken Identity

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Mango's PoV:

Teal's dad practically dragged her away. But... she was my friend... I wanna talk to her, she protected me from Rose... made me feel safe...

Ugh. This always happens...

Why do I keep getting left behind?

Violet's PoV:

So... I just witnessed a huge fight in the cafeteria. Seems like that Rose girl is a nasty piece of work... better stay away from her. And the depressed girl? She actually stood up for Mango, one of the other new crew. Huh. Interesting.

Seems like at least some of them are loyal... which is good for me, I guess. I could befriend one of them... at least, if anything, it would give me an excuse to get away from my mother.

Just chatting this random guy that she never met before... and I'm getting sick of seeing her go lovey-dovey all over this dude.

I was like, 'mom, you don't even know his name! You just call him by his colour... it's so weird!'

But... she just told me that I would understand when I'm older. Huh. Just because I'm younger doesn't mean my views are insignificant... I can be smart too! In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm more intelligent than her. There's so much about me that she doesn't know. And she's unaware that I know everything there is to know about her; I know all her secrets.

Teal's PoV:

"I told you. No getting into fights." My father coldly muttered after having dragged me to his room and locking the door.
"You didn't listen to me."


"Are you going to say anything?! Sorry, perhaps? How about 'I won't do it again', maybe? An 'I'll listen to you next time' wouldn't hurt now, would it?" He continued

Finally, I responded. "No."

" 'No' what, Teal? Are you defying your own father?"

"Yes." I snarled, "Mango was getting hurt, so I protected her. Sorry if you don't understand what it feels like to care about others"

"I very much do care" he snapped again, "why do you think you're alive? Because I loved your mother, and I loved you. Still do love you.  You just make it so difficult sometimes. Besides, the other girl wasn't hurt"


"And what is it that Tina said, huh? 'Don't let the emotions get the better of you'. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never.......... come on, say it with me- words will never hu-"

"Words do hurt, dad." I insisted.

"Only if you're weak. And some people are weak, Teal. They don't deserve to survive. It's natural selection, now get over it." My dad muttered, and I have a feeling he was referring to Lime as well as Mango.

What's wrong with him?

"Well I think they deserve to survive. It's people like you who don't deserve to survive, dad. People who are nasty, cruel, and manipulative." I declared, maintaining eye contact the entire time, staring straight into his eyes.

Heh. I think I went too far then. "What did you just-" he growled

"Hey dad. I think the words just hurt you" I yelled, my hands balling into fists at my side. He glared back at me, rage filling his gaze for a few seconds before he sighed, relaxing his muscles a bit.

"Teal. You need to stop this. All of this." He calmly murmured.

"Me? I need to stop this? So you're saying it's me with the problem?"

He sat down on the bed, indicating for me to sit next to him. "Yes. But we're going to fix you, okay?"

Rose's PoV:


Heh. Time passes quickly when you're sat by yourself doing nothing... or is it slowly?

It's both at once, really, if you ask me. It seems to drag out for forever... so when Lime comes up to me telling me to get ready for bed, I'm shocked at how much time has passed.

Not that I have much of a concept of time anyway, heh. Well, why would I? I've nothing to look forward to, really.

Heh. My life sucks.

If you're feeling sorry for me, then don't, okay?

I don't cry... I'm my dad's 'princess'... and princesses don't cry...

So, back to the point... it had been... a few hours, maybe, since the big fight in the cafeteria, and almost time for bed. I got ready to go to bed despite knowing full well that I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. That's when I saw a short girl in an orange suit walking towards me in the hallway, light from a tablet lightly reflecting off their helmet.


"Hey" I hissed, grabbing her arm and roughly yanking her towards me, "you're a pathetic wimpy little baby, got it? So no, I don't wanna talk to you, and I most certainly don't wanna be your friend. I'd gladly kill you right now." I sniggered before adding, "I could stab you, just like how your mother died... she dies because you weren't there for her... it's all your fault."

Suddenly, something unexpected happened. Mango tore her arm free from my grip effortlessly, she took a step back before slapping me across the face, hard.

"What is your problem, Rose?!" Mango snarled at me.

Only..... it wasn't Mango.

Oh, it was most certainly not Mango.

I am so screwed right now.

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