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Scarlet's PoV:

What was Rose's problem? Sure, she's been through a lot, but we all have, and we don't act like that! Besides, she's pretty careless anyway.... emotionless like everyone said her father was.

Teal's father had already been around to pick her up. Luckily, he didn't know what had happened so there were no questions asked and he didn't threaten Lime again.

Huh. Now that I think of it, Teal's dad kinda reminds me of Pink actually....

The adults finished checking on Lapis and Chocolate, Thomas went upstairs with Choccy to get him to sleep, Lapis went up himself, Peach was sat huddled in a tight ball on the sofa and Coal's dad came over to try and get the handcuffs off.

"Who put these on?" He asked, inspecting the lock for a second.

"Teal, believe it or not!" Coal exclaimed, laughing slightly.

James chuckled, glancing over at me "Just like your m-" he was about to say something else, but quickly stopped himself, blinking hard.

Heh. I know what he was going to say. Seems even the adults aren't fully over what happened. It hurts.

I know my mother was good friends with Coal's dad, even though they only met a day before the mission. Guess you have to trust someone a lot if you're going to share such a big, dangerous secret with them... one that could and did lead to her death.

Anyway. James ended up having to pull the handcuffs apart, just with his bare hands. He's very strong.

"Thanks dad" Coal murmured, and I thanked him too.

"No problem" he replied, "now I think you ought to get some rest too. It must have been pretty scary for you all..."

"Definitely" I agreed, heading off. Coal stayed behind for a second to hug his dad before following me up the stairs.

My bedroom was one of the ones in the loft... it was kinda small but I liked small.

I changed into my pyjamas but wasn't even a bit tired, so just switched the lights off, then found my way to the window and opened it as far as it went, leaning out into the cool night air, gazing at the outside world.

It was a clear night, no clouds. A beautiful full moon cast a light glow, the blueish-black sky scattered with billions of stars.

"Hey... Scarlet?" Coal whispered, lightly knocking on the door before entering.

"Hey Coal. You okay?" I asked as he walked over and hugged me from behind.

"Kinda scared" he admitted. "Just... today reminded me that even if my friends were getting hurt, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it"

Turning around, I lightly rested my hands on Coal's shoulders, "you don't want to hurt anyone. It's because you're really kind, there's nothing wrong with that"

In the faint light I saw him blush a little, staring down at the ground. "Thanks... but still. I'm the oldest, I should be protecting-"

"Hey. It's not your fault. Blame the bad kids"

"But Scarlet-" he complained, "it's always someone else's fault. The mean teenagers, the bullies, the 'bad people'..."

I hugged him and we sat down. He sighed and that's when I remembered something that I once overheard his dad telling my mother.

"Ya know... we can't control what happens to us in life. But we can control how we deal with it"

"That sounds like something my father would say" he chuckled lightly.

Laughing too, I replied "that's because he did say it"

Peach's PoV:

There was definitely no denying it now, I thought as I huddled in a ball on the sofa.

There was something up with Rose and she was hiding it. At the time, I'd honestly believed her about the cat memes, but now that I think about it... why was she getting so defensive? And she never lashed out like that..... not to me, at least.

I stayed there for a second, pondering over what to do. Suddenly, a gentle voice cut through my thoughts. "Where is it?"

"What?" I mumbled back, turning around to see Thomas, his hand outstretched expectantly.

He sighed. "You know what I'm talking about. You're not in trouble... just please don't lie to me..."

Okay. I know who grassed me up.

"Peach. Last time. Where's the knife?" He quietly asked. I knew there wouldn't be any consequences if I didn't, as Thomas was the least strict person who ever existed, however I felt a pang of guilt disobeying him, since he was so kind all the time...

"Here" I quietly muttered, holding the folded up pocket knife out. His hand shook a little and he hesitated before taking it.

He nodded a little, probably considering what to do with it. "Thank you, Peach."

I stood up, calling "Night" over my shoulder before leaping up the stairs three at a time.

Now to talk to someone.

The Babysitter II: Happy HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now