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Scarlet's PoV:

We arrived in NASA. Teal wasn't anywhere to be seen, but I wasn't too worried... it wasn't even confirmed that we were going anywhere, so it's fine.

"Okay" an employee exclaimed, walking over to our group, indicating to the adults. "And you are?"

"James and this is Tho-" James began, but got abruptly cut off as the employee shushed him.

"Sorry. I made the mistake of believing you were aware of our protocols here, sir. We go by our colours."

"Well... Black and Lime, then"

"The two survivors" the employee muttered under her breath, her gaze was drawn to the group of children next. "And... may Peach and Scarlet step forwards?"

"Why?" Coal suspiciously asked, narrowing his eyes at the employee.

"It's okay, Coal" I assured him, even though I was kinda nervous.

"Am I right in assuming you were the previous imposter children? We have to ensure you're unarmed."

"Okay" Thomas sighed, "you're both okay with that"

"Yup" I nodded, stepping forwards. "I'm Scarlet"

"Which one is Peach?" The employee asked, scanning the other kids.

"You're okay with being searched, right?" Thomas questioned, his voice wavering slightly.

"Peach?" Lapis murmured, "you okay?"

"I don't need to be searched" she quickly replied, "I'm not an imposter"

"But your father was?" The employee interrogated, tapping her pen on her clipboard impatiently.

Peach's hands balled into fists, and she but her lip to stop herself from saying anything. "N- I.... y-yeah?"

"Then I need to search you"

"No!" Peach protested.

I don't know why she wasn't just doing as they said... she's making herself sus. Unless................ No Peach.... no-

The employee started searching Peach's pockets, I watched as her eyes narrowed in suspicion and she drew back, presenting a pocket knife in her hand. She pulled out her walkie talkie. "Can I get security up here please?"

"Peach!" James muttered, "even after last night?"
She didn't respond, just stared straight ahead angrily.

"We wanna talk to the manager" Thomas suddenly exclaimed, a very bold move for him.

Rolling her eyes, the employee picked up her walkie talkie once again. "And the manger." She groaned in frustration. "The interview room, obviously! No- I'm with the crew now! ............What do you mean 'short-staffed'? I WANT SECURITY NOW!"

Confused glances were exchanged, a few people flinched, Rose even sniggered and Peach continued glaring at the employee.

After a while, the door opened and two people wearing black security outfits and carrying guns marched in, faces expressionless. Then, a different person walked in. "Karen, you may retire to your previous duties" he ordered with a dismissive wave of his hand, yet smiling all the while.

"Who's that?" Choccy asked rather loudly, pointing at the newcomer as 'Karen' left the room, sighing heavily.

"I, son" the man replied, making Chocolate squint in confusion, "have the highest and most respectable title in this fine facility"

"English?" Rose scoffed.

"I'm the manger, Poppet"

"I'm not-" Rose protested, but Emerald grabbed her arm and quickly shook his head. She sighed but said nothing more on the matter.

"Anyway" the manager declared, with a goofy smile on his face, "Let's discuss this mission!"

He seemed... likeable. Ish. I don't know.

So this was the man we're trusting to protect us on this mission?

The Babysitter II: Happy HalloweenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt