The Battle Almost End

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Megicula: I'll detonate Lolopechka and kill all the humans in this castle at once. And then, I will fully manifest here.

Me: Not so fast.

I dash at Lolopechka who is under Megicula's influence. I tap her stomach with Demon-Destroyer sword cancelling her curse.

Yami:*smirk* I thought you'll never come here to help us.

Me: You got yourself beaten up, huh, Yami?

Megicula:*pissed face* Who the hell are you?

Me: (Y/N). Host of Daku. Have any problem?

I go to Noelle and give Lolopechka to her.

Me:*smile* Long time no see.

Noelle: Are you really (Y/N)?

Me: Yep. I'll explain to you later. For now, take care of Lolopechka. I'm gonna defeat Megicula.

Yami: Nice. I'm gonna rest here while you fighting that freaking scary looking girl.

Me: Go ahead. I'm gonna end this real quick.

Megicula: Big talk from filthy human.

Suddenly I appear in front of her.

Me: Before you die, I just want to make sure something. You are the one that cursed my mother, aren't you?

Megicula: And what if I say yes?

She try to run away but suddenly her body got sliced into pieces.

Me: That happens.

Megicula: I-Impossible! You don't even swing your sword!

Me: I'm expert of Mana Zone. And for your information, I control every mana in this room. The one that sliced you wasn't me, but the mana that I control.

I pick up her head.

Me: Die.

I stab her head with Demon-Destroyer sword.

Me: You're messing with wrong person, bastard.

I let the head fall.

Me: Well, Vanica has died, Dante has been defeated, so only Zenon le-

Noelle cut me off with a kiss on lips. The kiss last for a minute before she pull her lips back.

Me: You really miss me, huh?

Noelle: You dissapear in all of sudden. Everyone were shocked, you know.

Me:*chuckle* Sorry. By the way, I heard you came here with Gaja. Where is he?

Noelle point at her right with sad look. I look at the direction her point and see Gaja's dead body.

I sigh before walk at the body. I get down on one knee and close Gaja's eyes.

Me: You did well, Gaja. Rest in peace.

I pick his body up and look at the others.

Me: Rill and Charlotte are not in the best condition. And Lolopechka still unconscious.

Yami: The best choice right now is to bring them to Clover Kingdom so they can be treat.

Me: I agree.

I take a step forward and Shadow Corridor appear in front of us. I then put down Gaja and pick Lolopechka up. I put her on my back before pick Gaja up again.

Yami pick Charlotte up while Noelle pick Rill up. We walk into the Shadow Corridor and arrived in Magic Knight HQ.

???: Yami! (Y/N)!

We look at the voice direction and see Julius is walking at us. There are some Magic Knights following him from behind.

Julius: What happened?

Me: It's still not end. Two of Dark Triad has been defeated. Only Zenon left.

Noelle: Captain Charlotte and Captain Rill were severely injured. Queen Lolopechka is unconscious. Please treat their injuries.

Three Magic Knights come closer to us and pick up the injured ones.

Julius: (Y/N)... That body you're holding...

Me: Yeah, it's Gaja. Please keep this body properly till the battle end. We're going to give him proper burial.

Julius: Got it.

Owen come to me and take Gaja's body.

Me: Let's go. We can't waste anyore time.

Noelle: Got it.

Me and Noelle walk back into the Shadow Corridor.

Yami POV

I start to walk to the Shadow Corridor too. But before I enter the corridor I stop walking and light up a cigarette.

Me: (Y/N) has avenged Akira, Julius. Your sister's death was not in vain.

Julius:*smile* Glad to hear it.

Me: You should say that to (Y/N), not me. Well, I'm off. Nacht will scold me if I late.

I enter the corridor and arrived at the the room from before.

Me: Where should we go? Straight to your body or go help Vangeance's team?

(Y/N): I'll go help Vangeance's team. You two go regroup with Nacht's team. I want to take revenge for what Zenon did to me.

Me:*smirk* Go get him.

Noelle: Be careful.

(Y/N):*smile* I won't let him defeat me again.

To be continued...

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