After the whole fight between Kie, John b and Sarah, Kie decided it would just be best for her and I to get away from the boys for a night and just relax. We bought a bunch of junk food and did each others hair and makeup. We watched a couple of crime documentaries and horror movies, and just talked about everything.


The next morning, Kie and I are woken up by a very productive Pope, he said the boys were having some problems with the boat and the need our help. I swear they can't even go a day without her and I. Kie and I quickly change and went onto the HMS Pogue and Pope drives us to meet the boys. They were stranded in the marsh because there was apparently a problem with Pope's dad boat.

'Morning.' I say happily walking over to JJ as he pulls me in for a hug. 'I missed you in bed last night.' He whispers and I chuckle. 'Don't worry, I'll be in our bed tonight.' I say smiling up at him and he gives me an apologetic look. 'Anyways, What's the problem?' I ask turning around to face my brother. 'The alternator's, uh, not alternating anymore.' He says and I raise my eyebrows in confusion glancing at him and JJ. 'Did you check the plugs?' Kie asks. 'No, no, you two should check them.' JJ says as Kie and I kneel down to check. 'You're all useless!' I call out but there was no reply. 'Uh, is this a joke?' Kie asks as we realise there are no plugs. All of a sudden we hear two splashes and I realise what's happening and quickly run back outside to see JJ and John b swimming to the HMS Pogue. 'JJ! You definitely will be sleeping alone from now on!' I yell and he sends me an apologetic look. 'I love you so much, baby. I'll see you tomorrow.' He calls out and I flip him off turning around to face Kie as she takes the lid of the compartment, revealing Sarah Cameron. 'You've got to be kidding me?' I groan. 'Please don't leave me here, they'll drive me insane.' I argue to the boys as Kie and Sarah glare at me.

'Are you serious?' Sarah asks them and they all nod. 'Get your asses back here!' Kie yells. 'There's food in the cabin and JJ rolled a blunt for you Jackie.' Pope informs us. 'This is ridiculous.' Sarah scoffs slipping off her shoes and unbuttoning her shorts, Kie also begins to take off her clothes. 'Are you two seriously going to swim after them?' I ask just as Sarah jumps in and Kie rolls her eyes before looking at me. All of a sudden, Sarah screams in the water. 'What?' Kie asks. 'I got stung by a jellyfish. Shit!' She whines and I sigh sitting down on the floor preparing myself for the long night ahead of me.

'Dramatic.' Kie scoffs and I nod. 'Well, you swam right into a man o war. What did you think was gonna happen?' I question as Sarah climbs back aboard. 'Shit! Ow!' She curses looking at the looking at where the jellyfish stung her. 'Hey, guys. You know what they say about curing jellyfish stings? You have to pee on me.' She informs us and I look at her thinking she's insane. 'I have a better idea.' I say holding up JJs blunt in the air and lighting it earning a smile from Kie. 'It's for the pain.' I explain giving her the blunt. 'JJ, bless.' Sarah sighs and I nod in agreement. Placing the drug to her lip she takes a hit and she begins coughing up, Kie and I chuckle as we notice this was her first time. 'Easy! It's JJ's cousin's.' I inform her as she continues to cough.


Soon enough the sun had set, the drug affected all of us especially Sarah. 'Hey, hey, guys so would you rather have eyes for nipples or nipples for eyes. Like imagine you get really old and your boobs sag so you can see your shoes.' She laughs clearly high of her head and I laugh along with her. 'Is this like your first time smoking or something?' Kie asks her annoyedly. 'No.' She lies and I chuckle taking another drag from the drug. 'Hey, Kiara.' Sarah goes to speak after a moment of silence. 'Oh, my god. Enough of the hey Kiara bullshit! Why'd you do it?' Kie asks and I lean forward wanting to hear this scene unfold taking another drag. 'Why did I do what?' Sarah shrugs. 'We were best friends. We—we stole beers from your dad's fridge, we watched movies together, we cried about boys. And the next thing I know, I'm watching your birthday party happen from Instagram.' Kie explains and I sigh looking at her, I could see the hurt on her face.

'It was one party.' Sarah sighs. 'You invited everybody except me. And then you told everybody I was the reason that the party got busted.' Kie argues. 'Okay, well, who else would've called the cops?' Sarah questions. 'You never asked.' Kie states. 'You just let the rumour go that I was a rat.' Kie continues. 'You were my best friend, and then you ghosted me, and I don't even know why!' She sighs. 'You liked me!' Sarah answers and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. 'What?' Kie asks confused. 'When people get close to me, I feel trapped. And..I bail. And then I blame them for it. I'm really sorry and I miss you.' Sarah apologises. 'Do you think there's a chance that we could be okay again?' Sarah asks as Kie let out a sigh. 'Honestly, I don't know.' Kie shrugs.

After a while, it went quiet and we all decided to go to sleep. I look up at the sky and see all the beautiful stars facing me and the moon shining down into the water brightening it up a little. 'Hey, Sarah?' Kie whispers breaking the silence. 'Hey, Kiara.' She replies as I take out a picture of JJ and I, I couldn't help but smile even though I haven't seen him in a few hours, I miss him like crazy. 'Promise me that you won't bail on John b. He's not just..some other guy. And he really, really likes you.' Kie says and I look over at Sarah. 'I won't.' She answers and I let out a soft sigh of relief. 'Good because I'd have to kill if you did.' I joke and we all both burst out laughing. After a moment we all go quiet again. 'Also, I'm sorry I called the cops.' Kie informs us and I look at her. 'I knew it. I knew it, you bitch!' Sarah snickers as we all burst out laughing.

To Be Continued...

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