CHAPTER 11: Hearts Beat Together

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Judy is in the ZPD with her own desk looking at her computer, typing a "savage mammal report" on Emmitt Otterton. Chief Bogo approaches her and taps the wall.

Chief Bogo: Come on, Hopps. The new mayor wants to see us.

Judy: The mayor? Why?

Chief Bogo: It would seem you've arrived.

Judy: What about Mike, sir?

Chief Bogo: He wasn't in his cubicle. So he's probably at the Mayors office. we'll see him there.

Judy follows Chief Bogo, but then she sees Clawhauser, sad, packing his stuff

Judy: Clawhauser? What are you doing?

Clawhauser: Um... They thought it would be better if a predator, such as myself, wasn't the first face that you see when you walk into the ZPD.

Judy Hopps: What?

Clawhauser: They're gonna move me to records. It's downstairs. It's by the boiler.

Clawhauser sadly walks off, Judy looks at him, upset and guilty. Chief Bogo calls to her by the door

Chief Bogo: Hopps!

The scene changes to the mayor's office where Judy opens the door to see Mike who looks confused. She looks at Bellwether.

Mike: I don't understand Ma'am.

Dawn Bellwether: Our city is 90% prey, And Michael right now, they're just really scared. You helped solve the missing mammal case but, people fear a dog in the ZPD. They don't trust you. And so that's why Chief Bogo and I want you to....find another profession..

Mike's heart shatters like glass. Judy stands in shock and disbelief.

Mike: Wait! I wasted my life to become a police officer. And now your telling me I'm fired. Ever since the press conference. You guy's are telling me this. I would never hurt any mammals in my life. I just wanted to do my job. To serve and protect.

Bellwether: I'm sorry but we are just taking the extra precaution for our citizens. I'm sorry Officer Kruger.

He takes a moment and removes his badge and places it in on the desk.

Mike: Whatever, This is ridiculous.

And exits the room. With a look of sadness and anger.

Judy: Mike...Mike...

He says nothing to her. Leaving the room.

Bellwether: Judy, it's good to see you, I wanted to talk to you about, becoming the face of the ZPD. People look up to you. As, well a hero

Judy: I'm not... I'm not a hero. I came here to make the world a better place, but I think I broke it.

Chief Bogo: Don't give yourself so much credit, Hopps. The world has always been broken, that's why we need good cops. Like you.

Judy: With all due respect, sir, a good cop is supposed to serve and protect, help the city, not tear it apart. I don't deserve this badge.

Chief Bogo: Hopps...?

Bellwether: Judy, you've worked so hard to get here. It's what you wanted since you were a kid. You can't quit.

Judy: Thank you for the opportunity.

Judy trudges slowly out the room as Chief Bogo and Bellwether sadly watch her go. Go back to her apartment. Judy sees Mike's apartment door it has a "Do not disturb" sign.

Judy: (Talking to herself) I'm sorry Michael, I didn't want this. And I know you won't forgive me. I'm so sorry.

As Judy walks away.

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