CHAPTER 3: Welcome to Zootopia

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The Next Day, it's 9:00 in the morning. Judy is with her family at the train station waiting for the express to take her to Zootopia.

Bonnie: We're real proud of you, Judy.

(Stu Nervously Chuckles)
Stu: Yeah. Scared, too.

Bonnie: Yes.

Stu: Really. It's kind of... a proud-scared combo. I mean, Zootopia. So far away. Such a big city.

Judy: Guys... I've been working for this my whole life.

Bonnie: We know. And we're just... a little excited for you, but terrified.

Judy: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Stu: And also bears. We have bears to
fear, too. To say nothing of lions, and wolves...

Bonnie: Wolves?

Stu: ...weasels...

Bonnie: You play cribbage with a weasel.

Stu: And he cheats like there's no
tomorrow. You know what, pretty much all predators... and Zootopia's full of 'em.

Bonnie: (scolding) Oh, Stu.

Stu: And foxes are the worst.

Bonnie: (retreating) Actually, your father does have a point there. It's in their biology. Remember what happened with Gideon Grey.

Judy: When I was 9. Gideon Grey was a
jerk, who happened to be a fox. I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks. And remember, Mike was there when he came to save and help me.

Bonnie: He's was such a nice boy. But you have to be careful with him.

Judy: Mom, he's just a friend, we're just gonna working in the same precinct that's all.

Stu: Yeah, yeah. But just in case, we made you a little care package to take with you.

Bonnie: And I put some snacks in there.

Stu begins pulling a bunch of Pink Fox Deterrents from a bag.

Stu: This is fox deterrent.

Bonnie: Yeah that's safe to have there.

Stu: This is fox repellent...

Bonnie: Okay, the deterrent and the repellent. That's all she needs.

Stu: And check this out!

Stu removes a Fox Taser, fires it up.

Bonnie: Oh for goodness sake. She has no
need for a fox taser, Stu.

Stu: Oh c'mon. When is there not a need
for a fox taser?

Judy: Okay, look... I will take this to make you stop talking.

Judy grabs the pink fox repellent from the bag as the train pulls up.

Stu: Terrific! Everyone wins!

Train Conductor: Arriving... Zootopia Express!

Judy: OK. Gotta go. Bye!

Judy heads for the train, head held high. No turning back. Stu and Bonnie watch, both holding back tears. Suddenly, the emotion catches up with Judy. She turns, runs back to her parents, hugs them tight.

Judy: I love you guys.

Bonnie: Love you, too!

One more squeeze, then Judy runs off and jumps on the train.

Stu: Oh cripes Bonnie, here come the waterworks.

Bonnie: Oh Stu, pull it together.

Judy: Bye everybody!

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