CHAPTER 8: Big Mob Boss & Savage Night

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At the Tundratown Limo Service. Judy tugs on the lock on the gate.

 Judy tugs on the lock on the gate

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Judy: Closed! Great.

Nick: Hm. And I will betcha you don't have a warrant to get in, hmm? Darn it. It's a bummer.

Mike: You wasted the day on purpose!

Nick: Sir, [points to his police sticker] I have a fake badge. I would never impede y'all's pretend investigation.

Judy: It's not a "pretend investigation". Look, see? (Judy pulls out a picture of Mr. Otterton and his family.) See him? This otter is missing.

Nick: Well, then they should've gotten a real cops to find him.

Mike: What is your problem? Does seeing use fail somehow make you feel better about your own sad, miserable life?

Nick: It does, 100%. [grins] Now, since y'all's sans warrant, I guess we're... done?

Mike turns to the fence. And then to Judy.

Mike: Judy, cover your ears.

Judy: What? Why?

Mike: Just do it.

Judy pulls her ears down as Mike grabs nick by he neck. Lifting the Fox and pinning him to the chain as he says a few things that Judy can't hear. But it's clear it's not good.

Mike: *inaudible*

Nick: *Inaudible But he looks like he's gonna die*

Nick nods as Mike motions Judy to take her ears as they flop back up. Mike drops nick as he turns to Judy.

Mike: Alright. Let me boost you up.

Mike kneels down as he cups his paws Judy gets on his paws as he launches her up. She lands on the other side beautifully. He turns to nick.

Nick: I can't do that you know.

Mike: Just climb the fence, I'm right behind you.

Nick and Mike land as Judy is already off. Judy uses her phone light and wipes the snow off the license plate 2-9-T-H-D-0-3... This is it! Nick opens the passenger door and Judy opens the driver's door. Cold mist comes out from the car. Bone chilling as Mike shivers, Judy looks around the pedal and the brake and sees a strand of white hair. She picks it up with a pair of tweezers.

Mike: Polar bear fur.

Nick nods, rolling his eyes, then opens the glove compartment. He suddenly jumps back in alarm.

Nick: Oh my God!

Judy: What? What?!

Mike: What is it?!

Nick takes out a bunch of CDs.

Nick: The velvety pipes of Jerry Vole! But on CD. Who still uses CDs?

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