CHAPTER 1: Childhood

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A stage play, history of predators and prey. At the Carrots Day Talent Show.

Young Judy: Fear, Treachery, bloodlust. Thousands of years ago... these were the forces that rule our world. A world where prey we're scared of predators. And predators had an uncontrollable... biological urge... to main and maul, and... (Gasps)

A Young Jaguar playfully attacks the Young Judy.

Young Jaguar: Roar!

Young Judy: (screams) Blood! Blood! Blood!

The Audience gasp at the scene. While Judy squirts out red party strings from her side and fake blood (or ketchup).

Young Judy: (groaning) and death. (groans)

The audience murmuring. Then dramatic drumming from a cute leopard boy.

Young Judy: Back then, the world was divided in two. Vicious Predator.

Young Jaguar: (growling hiss)

Young Judy: Or meek prey.

(dramatic music plays) Then two box's come down as a Young Sheep as Mother Nature throwing sparkly dust in the air.

Young Judy: But over time, we evolved. And moved beyond our primitive, savage ways.

The box's rise as the Judy and the Young Jaguar are now in white clothing and now holding hands.

Judy: Now, predator and prey live in harmony. And every young mammel has multitudinous opportunities.

Young Sheep Girl: Yeah. I don't have to cower in herd anymore. Instead, I can be an astronaut.

As the Sheep girl rips away her white cloth with her in a Astronaut outfit and grabbing a big astronaut helmet.

The Audience Applauds

Young Jaguar Boy: I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Today, I can hunt for tax exemptions. I'm gonna be an Actuary!

The Jaguar boy rips away his white cloth to him wearing a nice looking business suit.

The Audience Applauds

Young Judy: And I can make the world a better place. I'm going to be...

(Funky Music Playing)

Young Judy: A police officer!

Judy rips her cloth to her wearing a kids police officer uniform. But a big kid Fox starts to laugh in the crowd.

The Fox: Bunny cop? That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard.

As The Fox laughs at Judy, a little Canine boy looks at the Fox with irritation on his face.

Canine Boy: "Says your stupid voice Gideon."

Young Judy: It may seem impossible to small minds... I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey.

The Audience starts to chuckle so does the Canine boy chuckles too at Gideon.

Young Judy: But, just 211 miles away... stands the great city of Zootopia! Where our ancestors first joined together in peace... and declared that anyone can be anything!

(Organ Music Playing)
(Audience Applauding)

Young Judy: Thank you and good night!

As the play finished up, a canine boy goes up to Judy to congratulate her on her performance.

Canine Boy: Hey Judy.

Judy: Hey Mikey. How did you like the show.

Mikey: It was good and funny at the same time, but I wanted to say that your gonna become a police officer.

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