CHAPTER 9: Heart Tells

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Judy leads the ZPD to the sky tram

Judy: I thought this was just a missing mammal case, but it's way bigger. Mr. Otterton did not just disappear. I believe he, and this jaguar, they... they went savage, sir.

Chief Bogo: Savage? This isn't the stone age, Hopps. Animals don't "go savage".

Judy: I thought so too... 'Till I saw this.

Judy moves the leaves to show Manchas but he's no longer there, and Mike is gone.

Judy: What? They were right here!

Chief Bogo: The savage jaguar?

Judy: Sir, I know what I saw. He almost killed us! And Officer Kruger was holding him down

Chief Bogo: Or maybe any aggressive predator looks "savage" to you rabbits. And maybe Kruger didn't want to work with you after all of your delusions. ZPD Let's go!

He starts to leave; Judy tries to stop him

Judy: No. Wait! Sir, I'm not the only one who saw him. Nick!

Nick is standing in between two gigantic officers.

Chief Bogo: You think I'm gonna believe a fox?

Judy: Well he was a key witness, and I...

Chief Bogo: Two days to find the otter, or you both quit. That was the deal. Badge.

Judy: But sir, we had...

Chief Bogo: BADGE!

Judy reluctantly starts to unclip her badge, until Nick speaks.

Nick: Uh, no.

Chief Bogo: What did you say, fox?

Nick: Sorry, what I said was "NOOOO!" She will not be giving you that badge. Look, you gave her and Kruger... a clown vest, a three-wheeled joke-mobile, and two days to solve a case you guys haven't cracked in two weeks? Yeah, it's no wonder that her and her partner needed to get help from a fox. None of you guys were gonna help them, were you? Here's the thing, Chief. You gave them the 48 hours, so technically we still have...ten left to find our Mr. Otterton, and that is exactly what we're gonna do. So, if you'll excuse us, we have a very big lead to follow, a case to crack. And go find Officer Kruger. Good day.

After another gondola pulls up, Nick walks to the sky tram. Judy tries to say something to Chief Bogo, but stops and follows Nick. Chief Bogo watches them in silence. Nick opens the door for Judy, motioning her to get in.

Nick: Officer Hopps.

Judy and Nick enter the gondola and it departs. Chief Bogo and the ZPD watch them and leave. Judy seems stunned. She looks at

Judy: Thank you Nick.

Nick: Never let 'em see that they get to you.

Judy: So... things do get to you?

Nick: Oh, I mean, not anymore, but I was small and emotionally unbalanced like you once.

Judy: [sarcastic, rolls her eyes and looks away] Har har.

Nick: No, it's true. I think I was eight or maybe nine, and all I wanted to do was join the Junior Ranger Scouts. So, my mom scraped together enough money to buy me a brand new uniform, because by God I was gonna fit in, even if I was the only predator in the troop, the only fox. I was so proud, was all a sick joke...I learned two things that day. One: I was never gonna let anyone see that they got to me.

Judy: And two?

Nick: If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there's no point in trying to be anything else.

Zootopia: Hopps HeartWhere stories live. Discover now