CHAPTER 10: Awaken Biology

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Judy and Nick are at The imposing Cliffside Asylum sits on the edge of a waterfall.

Nick and Judy, hidden on the side of the road, spy from a hundred yards away

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Nick and Judy, hidden on the side of the road, spy from a hundred yards away. Nick and Judy sneak up to the guard gate, where two wolves are stationed. Using elaborate hand signals, Nick motions he's going to sneak past first. He gets around the gate, but as he gets close... a wolf sniffs the air... he's onto him. Nick reaches around and grabs a piece of wood to use as a weapon. The wolf moves toward Nick... but before he reaches him... Ooooooooooo!
A distant howl grabs his attention. It's Judy, cupping her mouth to make the howl sound distant. The wolf hears it and can't help but howl as well. Another guard approaches.

Wolf Guard: Gary, quit it, you're gonna start a

Gary The Wolf Guard: I didn't start it. (more howling from a distance.) Oooooooo!

Wolf Guard: Oooooooooo!

More wolves start to howl. Nick looks at Hopps, impressed.

Judy: Come on!

Nick and Hopps use the distraction to jump the fence and sneak into the complex.

Nick: You are a clever bunny.

Above, they notice a drainage pipe leading into the building. Nick and Judy emerge from the drain pipe into the creepy asylum. They're in a large, cavernous room, full of old medical equipment. It's like a combination of an old hospital and a turn-of-the-century zoo.

Judy: It looks like this was a hospital.

Judy shines her light down a corridor, at the end of which is a metal door with a blue light shining within. Nick walks near the door, about to open it... the tension builds and then... the door opens slowly, but nor Judy and Nick are opening the door. Judy and Nick hide somewhere.

??:Is anyone there?

Judy listens to the mystery person in the room. The mystery person starts to sniffing.

Judy: "Oh crackers he's gonna catch us."

The mystery person gets closer, and closer. Then he says.

Oh Carrots? Hmmmm. I love Rabbits and Fox's

Judy and Nick hear the mystery person, they both tense up.


Judy and Nick jump. Then they see it's Mike smiling and quietly laughing.

Judy: Mike!?

Nick: Wow.

Judy gives Mike a hug then hits him in the stomach. Mike grunts from the punch.

Judy: Why did you do that?

Mike: I wanted to mess with you. At first I started hearing footsteps from that door. Then I opened the door I heard more footsteps then I sniffed it out. I knew it was you and Nick.

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