get me outta here

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*two weeks later*

"Please" Abbie begged as jay sat next to her with a raised eyebrow.  He said nothing and just smirked, "jay get me outta here, I cannot stay here any longer" she laughed at his stern expression.  Jay finally cracked, "fine, I'll talk to Will. But only so you'll shut up" he smirked.  She smiled back, "I'll take that" she shrugged and flicked his arm.  Jay poked her arm back as hank walked in the room, but he took this as his opportunity to go and find Will, he too wants Abbie home now.

               "He didn't have to leave just because I came in..." Hank sat down next to Abbie.  She laughed, "he didn't, he's going to find Will" she shook her head.  His face dropped, "why? What happened? Are you okay?" He panicked.  She laughed, "I'm fine I'm fine, I just wanna go home" she placed a hand on his arm. He sighed in relief, "good, you do know it's gonna be a while until you're back on field work again right?" He raised his eyebrows. She smiled, "I wouldn't expect anything less" she nodded. He laughed and pulled her into a hug, "desk work should be fine, besides, the bullpens too quiet with you there" he sighed truthfully.

              "And just because I'm allowing you two to date doesn't mean I won't be keeping a close eye on you both" he smirked.  Abbie rolled her eyes, "of course" she sighed but laughed eventually. Jay walked in to see both of them laughing and joking around, "hey, Will said he's gonna stop by in half an hour and see if you're stable enough to go home. Bed rest though..." he smirked. Hank smiled as Abbie rolled her eyes; this woman hates being inactive and this is going to kill her, not literally of course, "and if you don't stay on bed rest, I'll arrest you" hank tapped her leg. Abbie smiled as jay stood on the other side of the bed, "I'm gonna go let the unit know you're okay" hank added then left the room as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Jets been going crazy, luckily she likes me so I wasn't attacked when I checked on her last night" jay laughed.  Abbie gasped in realisation, "oh god... I completely forgot, memory, goldfish" she tapped her head.  Jay grabbed her hands, "it's okay, I've been feeding her" he laughed at her distressed pout.  She smiled, "good job I have you ey?" She rested her head back.  Jay smiled, "you feeling any pain still?" He pointed to her side.  She shook her head, "not really, it's just uncomfortable here and there" she shrugged.  He nodded with a smile, hopefully she can go home soon.   He needs her back, this extra fortnight in the hospital gig really isn't his scene.

               "So you wanna escape me huh?" Will walked into her room about half an hour later.  She looked up and smiled, "duh" she playfully shrugged.  He laughed and turned her charts over to check her stats, it took him a moment or two but he eventually came to a conclusion.  "Unfortunately... you won't be seeing my face every morning anymore" the red head smiled.  Abbie smiled back, "no offence but I'm actually glad to hear that..." she laughed.  Will smiled, "none taken, but I do have to give you a few rules" he laughed at Hanks and his brothers faces.  They all waited for him to continue, "your meds have to be taken three times a day on the hour, bed rest for a week minimum, then you can try grocery shopping to see if you can handle light domestic work and if you can, desk work it is. Field work is in the future though I'm afraid" he rested his iPad on the arm rests.

             "I'll take it" she nodded.  Will smiled, "thought you would, I'll go get your discharge papers then you're free to go" he nodded at the three.   Hank smiled, "thanks doc" he nodded.  Jay smiled too, "thanks man" he tapped his brothers arm.  Will smiled, "anytime" he waved then left the room.  "Happy now?" Hank turned to his adopted daughter.  Abbie laughed, "very" she nodded.  Jay smiled, god this was long awaited...

*sorry it took so long for me to update... :/*

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