A risk we have to take

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The team had been working tirelessly all day, they knew who had taken them from forensics at her place but they had no idea where they were. There was no footage of them being abducted or anything, but hank knew how lethal this kingpin is so if they didn't find them soon they'd both be dead.

It was around 5pm and jay and Abbie were still sat in the basement, the men hadn't been in since he explained why they were there, until now. "Hey sweet thing, looks like dads finally found out who took you and you're little partner..." he laughed and leant against the wall. Abbie was okay from earlier so she was sat up, she had a small bruise on her cheek but that was it, jay was fine too. They both stayed quiet, "oh so you're not talking now? What happened to your feisty attitude?" He tilted his head at Abbie. She looked at him in anger but stayed quiet, "oh you're no fun..." he scoffed and walked over to her. Abbie looked over to jay as the man crouched down in front of her, he placed his cold hand on her shin so she kicked her leg at him, "there it is" he laughed and stood up, he dodged the kick.

Abbie huffed and looked up at him, he was stood above her looking her up and down which made her uncomfortable, "do you mind?" She screwed up her nose. The man laughed, "no" he crouched back down and held her chin, jay was looking at him in rage, if he was to hurt her again he would physically strangle him. "You've got a really captivating face you know?" He looked her dead in the eye. She furrowed her brows and turned her face away so he grabbed her chin again and made her look at him, "sit tight babes..." he winked and stood up before looking over at jay, "you're getting off lucky you know, I could've killed you by now but as a gentleman, I respect a women's wish" he rolled his eyes and left.

Jay scoffed and looked over to Abbie who was attempting to get out of the zip ties that were around her wrists, "Abs..." he whispered over to her. She looked over to him, "he's got a gun, we have to get out of here..." she kept on tugging at them. Jay frowned, "Abbie it's too risky" he sighed. Abbie huffed as two of the zip ties snapped off and landed on the floor, "it's a risk we have to take" she caught her breath back. Jay looked at her in worry, it was a big thing to do, going up against their captors would probably get them killed.

"Hey sarge I've got an address. He owns a small family home on 24th avenue" adam shouted out from his desk. Hank walked out seriously, "let's go, we stop at nothing" he waved them downstairs. They all geared up then got into their cars and sped off to their location. When they got there they jumped out of their cars to see the lights on in the home so they sneakily crept up to the door and waited until they were safe to go in. 

                  Abbie finally broke out of her zip ties that were on her wrists then looked over to jay who was still struggling to get out since he was tied up with ropes instead, "it's too tight" he huffed and gave it a rest.  Abbie looked around and stood up before ripping the zip ties off her ankles like they had been taught to do in the academy.  As soon as she stood up the woman walked back into the room, "you little sneak" he laughed and walked over to her.  She threw punch after punch after punch as did the kingpin until they were in a full blown fist fight, jay was worried that he would pull out the gun and shoot her but she was holding her own against him.

                  Abbie got a good grip around his leg so she kicked it and he fell to the floor, she pinned him down and punched him a few times before leaving him on the floor semi conscious, she groaned and rolled off him before dragging her way over to jay, just as she started helping him untie the ropes Hank barged through the door with his gun raised.  She jumped and looked back as jays head shot up, "get up you prick" hank dragged the man off the floor and pointed the gun to his head.  Abbie turned her focus back to jay and untied the ropes on from around his wrists, he kicked off the ropes around his ankles and the pair flopped to the floor, "come here, are you hurt?" Jay touched the bruise on her face.  Abbie looked at him, "no I'm fine, what about you?" She caught her breath back.  Jay nodded, "I'm okay" he caught his breath back.  They both stood up and took in what just happened before hank walked over to them both, "are you guys okay?" He looked at them in worry.  They both smiled and nodded, "all good" Abbie sighed. 

                     Hank looked at them in gratefulness and followed the pair out of the house, "the ambos here, you're both getting checked out" hank waved them off.  They both let out a small laugh before walking over to the ambo and letting Mackey and Brett check them out.  "You're both okay, just rest up or you'll be too tired to function tomorrow" Brett smiled.  The pair nodded and jumped off the step of the ambo, they had the teams jackets around them, Abbie had Kim's on and jay had Kevin's on.  "You scared me for a second there" jay looked over at her.  Abbie frowned at him, "I scared myself too, I think" she nodded.  Jay smiled and nodded before the pair joined the unit as they finished up on the scene.

Hank pulled abbie aside before the pair were driven back to her place, "so what's the deal with you and Halstead? Why's he living at your place?" He sighed. Abbie looked at him blankly, "he's staying with me until he can get an apartment sorted out, nothing more" she raised an eyebrow. Hank folded his arms and nodded, "you know what I told you..." he started but Abbie cut him off, "I know I know, no dating between us. But we aren't, I'm just helping out a friend" she smiled a little. Hank nodded, "okay then, see you tomorrow" he smiled and waved her off, she smiled and walked over to jay who was waiting by Kim and adams car.

Kim dropped the pair off at her house and drove off, Abbie realised that jet was left alone, "shit, the dog..." she gasped and walked over to the door. Hank had told her that her keys had been placed her her mat so she lifted it up and got them out, she opened the door as jay stood behind her but to her pleasant surprise jet was all good, "it's okay" Abbie laughed at an excited dog as she jumped between Abbie and jay. Jay laughed and stepped inside, Abbie wandered over to a note that was on the counter, "hank took care of her" she smiled and looked around at the place. Everything had been cleaned and fixed up, "many weird things have happened in this house but that was a first" she laughed nervously and grabbed them both some snacks so they could sit on the couch and relax, "at least we're both okay" he smiled and sat down next to her. The pair watched a film but before it could end they had already fallen asleep on the couch, all the fighting around must've tired them out.

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