Where are they?

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Abbie woke up the next morning and her side was killing, she decided to take a few Tylenols to ease the pain at work. She threw on some clothes and brushed her teeth before giving jet a few treats and leaving her to roam the house like she always does. She hopped in her car and drove to work.

"How you feeling?" Jay smiled as she appeared at the top of the stairs, Abbie smiled, "a little sore but it's nothing Tylenol can't fix" she put her jacket on the back of her chair. Jay smiled and nodded as she leant against his desk. Hank walked out in a hurry, "we've got a ticking case, we need this man off the street today. 12 murders in one night, he's on a spree. He's gonna be at a club tonight, Kevin's CI's reached out and gave us the in-tell" he nodded and put a few pictures on the board. "Halstead, Davis, burgess, ruzek. You guys are going undercover, abbie can you manage?" He pointed to her side. Abbie smiled, "I'll be fine" she nodded. Hank nodded back and handed them all a file with the game plane in, they picked out what they needed to know then got to work.

Later that day they all got ready to go to the club, Abbie and Kim got into their dresses as the boys were already changed and getting wired up downstairs in the garage. Abbie had a satin bodycod dress on and Kim had a navy slightly more covered up one on, "I may be biased but I think we look pretty good" Kim laughed.  Abbie laughed too, "oh definitely" she smiled as the pair walked downstairs.

"Here they come" Adam sighed as the sounds of heels clicking down metal stairs got louder. Jay laughed as the pair appeared in the garage, they both watched their partners as the girls wandered over to rojas and Kevin.  "You two can pull anything off" rojas joked.  The girls laughed and let her put wires through their dress, "visuals good, you're all set" rojas smiled and let them go.  The girls nodded and wandered over to their partners, "you can do classy? Wow" Abbie smirked at jay.  He nudged her arm and scoffed playfully before hank walked inside.  "You know the plan, get eyes on him and get him secured then we'll move in" he nodded to the quadruplet stood in front of him.  They all nodded and got into their undercover "taxi" even though it was Kevin driving. 

                    Abbie sat next to jay but she was in the middle seat so it was a little crammed, Kim was in the front so she had the pleasure of leg room.  Jay noticed that she was tilting her legs so they would fit comfortably in the back seat, "long leg problems?" He teased her.  Abbie shook her head with a smile and nudged his leg out of the way so she could have more room.  Jay and Adam laughed as she finally fit her long legs in the back of the car.  "Here you go" Kevin pulled the car up at the club. The four got out of the car and headed towards the club entrance with their fake ID.

"We're in" Kim whispered into her wires, the two girls headed straight to the bar in hopes to be spotted by their suspect but the two boys headed over to a table so they could keep a close eye on the in case they got into danger they couldn't get out of.  Kim and Abbie were stood at the bar looking around when their suspect approached theme, "hey good looking, can I get you and your friend a drink?" He smiled and looked down at Abbie.  Abbie looked up at him, "we're good thanks" she smiled. The man smiled but he wasn't taking no for an answer, "c'mon baby, I'm sure you're both here to have fun..." he huffed and started wandering his hands over Abbie. 

                   Adam frowned and went to get up to intervene but jay stopped him, "she can handle it" he looked at him seriously, he didn't like to see someone mistreating his partner but he knew she was more then capable of stopping him.  Adam sighed and sat back down where they both kept watching.  "She said we're good" Kim placed a hand on his arm as the suspect began kissing abbies neck.  Abbie placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away slightly, she looked him dead in the eyes, "We'll be more then happy to dance though..." she smiled falsely.  The man laughed, "that's more like it" he nodded and took their hands before leading them onto the dance floor. 

                 Jay groaned in annoyance when they lost eyes on them, "we're gonna have to change location Sarge, we've lost eyes" he spoke into the wires before the pair got up and moved down to the bar.  They stood where Kim and Abbie were stood since they could see them again, the girls were uncomfortably dancing with the suspect as they locked eyes with their partners a few times.  The boys kept their cool even though the suspect was being touchy touchy since they had to wait until it was safe to snatch him.

                 It was all going well until there was a shot fired into the crowd, everyone ducked and began panicking.  Abbie lost eyes on the suspect and Kim when everything became a blur, people were screaming and shoving people about.  Jay and Adam lost eyes on all three of them, "where are they?" Jay sighed loudly.  People began flooding out of the club and that's when Abbie saw the suspect dragging Kim into a back room of the club, she immediately ran after them in hopes to help her friend. 

                 Abbie darted into the room that the man took Kim into before he closed the door, "what the hell" he scoffed and threw a punch at Abbie but she blocked it.  Kim was struggling on the bed, she had a bruise on her cheek as if he had already punched her.  The man grabbed abbies arm and threw her across the room, she groaned and got up to see the man climbing on top of Kim ready to punch her so she kicked him with her heel as he flinched.  The man punched Abbie in the side, she fell to the floor since he hit the bruise that she had received yesterday from the bullet. 

                She groaned in pain for a few seconds before looking back over to the man who was beating Kim up, she stood up painstakingly and threw kicks and punches at the man.  The pair were now in a hand-on-hand brawl as the man reached down for clear bag of white powder.  Abbies eyes grew wide in fear as she saw the label, 'fentanyl', she jumped out of the way and dived on the bed to cover Kim as he ripped it open.  The white powder filled the room as it turned to dust, a bit of it got on abbies dress so she tried her best not to touch it.  Instead she covered her mouth and nose with a cloth that was nearby as she covered Kim's with another.  Kim was out cold from the punches but the man was laying of the floor gasping for air, the fentanyl would kill him sooner or later.

                  Jay and Adam barged the door down but as the door opened they were greeted by white dust filling the air, "get back! Don't come in, it's fentanyl..." Abbie spoke through the cloth.  Jay looked at her in worry, she had it on her dress and fentanyl could kill when exposed to it, even the tiniest bit.  "Kim needs an ambo, she's out cold" she added as she coughed a little.  Adam raised his eyebrows at her partner, she had blood on her face.  The rest of the team joined jay and Adam but jay put his arm out, "it's fentanyl, we need to get them out" he nodded into the room.  Hank looked inside the room to see Abbie coughing and covering her own mouth and nose along with Kim's and the dead suspect with foam in his mouth. 

                  Hank called in hazmat to deal with the exposure but they were taking too long, "Abs can you get Kim out? You can't stay in there any longer" he looked into the room again.  Abbie was feeling light headed and dizzy but she coughed and nodded, she slung Kim's arm over her shoulder and slid off the bed.  She dropped the cloths and just held her breath, she made sure Kim's face was buried in her neck so she wouldn't inhale as much.  She quickly dragged her way over to the door before giving Kim to Adam, he carefully took her and laid her on the ground.  Abbie made sure she stayed away from them all since she had it on her dress, not to mention she had inhaled a little bit too.

                  Jay looked at her in worry since she had a pale face and she was swaying slightly, "abs you good?" He looked over to her.  Abbie looked at him but before she could say anything she just dropped to the floor, jays face grew wide in horror but when he tried to go over to her hank pulled him back.  "Jay you can't, she's covered in fentanyl. As much as we both wanna help her we have to let the paramedics deal with her, they should be here soon" hank reasoned and held him back.  Jay sighed, he knew that he wouldn't not help his own daughter if it wasn't serious so he nodded and just watched her helplessly.  The ambo's soon arrived and took the girls away, the rest of the unit drove to med to meet them there.

Luckily Kim had only been knocked out from a hard lunch not the fentanyl, she woke up the second she got to med but her face was messed up a little. Abbie however had inhaled a bit of fentanyl, she was out for around an hour, she woke up to jay and hank by her side. They all got to go home later that night, they didn't have to worry about the suspect since he got himself killed.

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