I thought that was you

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It was a normal day for Abbie Davis, she was at work and waiting for a call with her unit. Abbie works in the Chicago swat team, as of today, she was previously a member of LAPD swat but she returned home to settle back down in Chicago. LA isn't made of sunshine's and rainbows, especially on the wrong side of Hollywood land.

She had a rough childhood growing up, she went through something along the lines of an abusive father who was arrested for possession and murder and is still in jail, probably for life now, she got thrown into the system at the age of 12, but then hank Voight came along. She was going through a tough stage of denial at the age of 14 when hank found her on the streets, she had run away from her group home and she kind of had a growing drinking problem. That's where hank adopted her and he became the father she always wanted, he pulled her out of the dark place her mind was stuck in and she grew up to follow in his footsteps, she moved to LA at the age of 22 where she became a member of the swat team. And now here she is back in Chicago.

Hank and Abbie always stayed in touch, she arrived back in Chicago yesterday but she was planning on surprising him tonight. She didn't actually consider moving back to Chicago but when she got the job offer she took it straight away, Chicago will always be her forever home, no matter where she goes in life.

Abbie is model worthy, she has long brown hair, ocean blue eyes, faded freckles, a lot of muscle, but not too much, just enough to know she hits the gym a few days a week, not to forget her lean and curvy figure. She was eye candy, but her personality is even more cherish-able, she is fun and bubbly as well as trustworthy and caring, but when it comes to work, she's a badass.

She was sat in their bullpen tapping her pen on the desk when their Sargent came strolling out, "we're moving, protests are kicking off on division" he tapped his leg. Abbie had worked with the unit before so it wasn't like she was a newbie, she just had a lot to catch up on with the new members that had joined since she was gone. They all geared up which consisted of their black uniform and boots, their vests, gun holders on both their leg and belt, helmets and knee and shoulder pads. As for Abbie she usually stood behind the shields when moving around so she had her assault rifle in hand, her smaller guns were in her leg holster. "Let's move, go go go!" The Sargent shooed them all into the swat vehicle.

Hank voights unit was also called down to help control the riot until swat got there which is why they were stood attempting to control the huge protesting crowd. In Chicago there was never really a normal day, todays protest was for animal rights, there were huge crowds stood outside of a huge butchers sale shouting and using violence to be heard. The unit couldn't really do much since they weren't as equipped as swat were so all they could do was shout at them to get back or help the wounded.

After 10 minutes of the intelligence unit struggling to control them along with patrol officers swat finally rolled up. They hopped out of their vehicles with guns immediately drawn and shields held up. "You know the drill, line up now!" The Sargent ordered. Hanks unit stepped back to let the swat team form a line, only Abbie didn't realise she was stood right in front of hank and another brown haired detective she didn't know until she looked back to check the squads formation. She had her protective gear on her head so they couldn't see her, she just hoped he didn't know it was her since she really wanted to surprise him.

Hanks unit stood by in case they were needed again, it wasn't like they had a case to be working on anyways. Abbie was stood next to one of her teammates as he held the shield and she held the rifle, the protesters were shouting all kinds of abuse at them to get them to move but it wasn't working so they used force instead. "Sarge we're gonna need the AVF on the south side, they're resisting" she spoke into her radio. Hanks head shot over to the woman stood in front of him as her voice sounded all too familiar, jay, who was stood next to him, noticed his confusion but didn't question it since he knew not to. The vehicle rolled up behind them so the unit moved, there were two men manning the machine guns on the top, they weren't planning on shooting but they hoped it would scare the crowd a little.

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