You're still investigative right?

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The next day was tough, abbies new Sargent was being especially harsh on her after what happened on the roof the other day even though it wasn't her fault. They were currently standing by on a high risk personnel call since they were unsure if their presence was needed, "are you sure you can act quick enough Davis?" He teased Abbie. She looked up at him, "what's that supposed to mean?" She shook her head. As far as the whole unit knew, she was one of the best out of them all, their Sargent raised his eyebrow, "oh you know, I was just wondering if you could get the job done" he laughed.

Abbie looked at him in all seriousness, "well maybe I would actually be able to do my job if you stopped hovering over my shoulders every second of the day" she looked back to her team and rolled her eyes, they all hated him too. He scoffed, "don't think you can give me backchat and get away with it, my office when we get back" he sighed. Abbie scoffed and shook her head before getting into position ready to move in, "move in" he ordered to them. Just like every other time they walked in huddled together then padded out once they were inside, "SWAT! Get your hands in the air and slowly walk to me" abbie shouted over to the victims. She shooed the kids and women out of the mosque then stood by with sanders as they waited for the rest of the team to reappear.

When they got back to the bullpen the Sargent was angry, "my office" he looked at Abbie sternly. She sighed and stood up before entering his office and closing the door behind her, "you're lucky you still have this job, I'm in two frame of minds to suspend you right now" he sighed. Abbie raised an eyebrow, "do whatever you like, just know the second I leave your unit falls apart" she spoke facts, without her the unit didn't have the badass female it needed since the rest of them were males. The Sargent sighed at the truth, "this is your last warning, if we have anymore run-ins, I'm taking your badge" he stares at her. Abbie nodded and got up before leaving his office, she sat down at her desk and just waited for the day to be over. She hated her Sargent and he was making her hate working swat but she wanted to keep her badge since policing was where her heart was.

"Head out" the Sargent sighed and waved them off, they all stood up and left. Abbie decided to go to mollys since she finished shift the same time as the intelligence unit did. When she got there she claimed a table and waited for them all to file in, it didn't take long before they all stumbled through the door, "Abbie..." Kim smiled and sat down next to her. Abbie smiled and got up to let her into the chair nearest to the wall, rojas sat down next to Kim and the three boys sat down opposite their partners other then jay who was sat opposite Abbie. He smiled, "how's that Sargent treating you?" He smiled and took a sip from his beer.

Abbie rolled her eyes which made jay smile, "well put it like this, I'm on my last warning before he takes my badge" she sighed. They all screwed up their faces, "what'd you do?" Adam frowned. Abbie shrugged her shoulders, "nothing, I just told him to get off my back" she smiled. Jay nodded, he didn't see anything wrong with that, especially if it was effecting how she was working.

They were all interrupted by hank who came over to their table, it was rare for him to make an appearance but by the looks of it he was there for Abbie. "Hey" she smiled at him, hank smiled and nodded at his detectives before looking at Abbie, "you're still investigative right?" He furrowed his brows. Abbie looked at him in confusion, "yeah I kept it going just in case I changed my mind, why?" She smiled. Jay was looking between the pair as were the rest of the unit. "There's a spot open in my unit..." he started but Abbie cut him off, "I'll take it" she put her finger out, "I hope that's where you were going with that" she tilted her head. Hank laughed, "I'll see you tomorrow morning detective" he tapped the table then left.

She looked back over to jay who had a smile on his face, "I guess I'm not on my last warning anymore" she laughed. The rest of the unit were all smiling at her, "I gotta go make a few calls, I'll be back..." she smiled and slid off the chair. They all smiled and nodded at their new teammate. She walked over to the quiet area of the bar and pulled out her phone before pulling up her Sergeants number.
Sargent: "Davis?"
Abbie: "sorry for the random call, I'm just calling to let you know I've been offered a place in intelligence, and I've taken the job offer"
Sargent: "when do you start?"
Abbie: "tomorrow, sorry for the short notice but it was just sprung on me"
Sargent: "no worries, it's just a shame we had to work on such bitter terms"
Abbie: "yeah...anyways, I'll drop my gear off tomorrow morning"
Sargent: "that'd be great, see you tomorrow"
Abbie: "you too"

She also pulled up sanders contact since she had always been so close to him compared to the others.
Matt: "hey, everything okay?"
Abbie: "all good, I just thought I should let you know I'm leaving swat"
Matt: "oh no, why? You weren't fired were you?"
Abbie: "no no, nothing like that surprisingly. I've taken a job offer in intelligence, I start tomorrow"
Matt: "I'm really happy for you abs, will you be coming over to say goodbye?"
Abbie: "I'm not leaving Chicago Matt, just swat, you'll still see me around town. But on a serious note yeah I will, I've gotta drop my gear off before shift tomorrow"
Matt: "good, just don't be a stranger okay? I'll miss seeing your ugly face everyday"
Abbie: "yeah I'll miss seeing yours too, so I'll see you tomorrow morning?"
Matt: "you will, goodnight abs"
Abbie: "night Matt"

She smiled to herself and hung up the phone before turning around and walking back over to the table, "what did he say?" Jay smirked since he knew she phoned her old Sargent. Abbie laughed, "it's a shame we had to work on such bitter terms" she spoke in a grump old mans tone. The unit laughed, they were all going to get along just fine. They all stayed until mollys had to close since abbies new arrival was worth celebrating, even Abbie had a shot or two, which was a big move for her but she knew it was rare to find such a good unit to work in so this was a special occasion.

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