It matters to me

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                 Abbie sat in her car outside of the district with a cloth wiping away the blood from her lip, she couldn't even hide the fact that it was bust since it was kind of swollen and purple so she just sighed and walked into the district before buzzing herself up to see the unit cracking on with paperwork.  It was around 7pm so they weren't done yet, she sat down at her desk, luckily enough no one had noticed her face as she walked through the bullpen so she just kept her head down as hank walked past not so long after. 

                 The super intendant walked in with a stride, "Davis, come on" she waved her into Hanks office.  She sighed and got up thinking it was about her, "you can call Halstead and tell him to come down to the district, the allegations were dropped. The witnesses said they took some time to re think what happened and said they saw it all wrong, so halsteads back in action" he smiled.  Hank looked at her thankfully, "that's great news, I'll go call him right now" he nodded and left.  Hank left to go call jay which left the two girls in the office, "you two have a good partnership" she smiled at Abbie.  Abbie looked up at her, "yeah we do" she smiled back.  A few seconds later hank reappeared, "he's on his way, I didn't tell him why though, I'll leave that to you" he smiled at the woman.  Abbie walked out of the office to leave the higher ranks alone. 

                  5 minutes later jay strolled into the bullpen in confusion, he saw the super intendant walk out of Hanks office with hank by her side, "detective..." she smiled and handed jay his badge and gun back.  Jay shook his head, "but I thought you had evidence..." he looked at her as if he didn't know what day it was.  The woman smiled, "the allegations were dropped, you're free of charge" she smiled.  Abbie was listening in to what she was saying as she stood next to her chair but she kept her head down to conceal the bust lip in case jay got suspicious.  Jay raised his eyebrows, "thank you..." he spoke hesitantly.  The super intendant smiled and walked out of the bullpen leaving the unit on their own.  Jay looked over at hank, "what happened?" He spoke curiously.  Hank shrugged his shoulders, "I guess they had a change of heart" He smiled and walked off into his office. 

                  The rest of the unit stood up and reassured him before Abbie finally stood up and grabbed his shoulder, "I told you everything would be okay" she smiled.  Jay smiled but he soon lost the grin when he saw her lip, "Abs your..." he looked at her in worry but Abbie cut him off, "don't worry about it, it was just a silly accident" she smiled.  She walked past Hanks office and gave him a discreet nod before leaving jay in the bullpen as she walked off into the locker room.  Jay stood there staring into the locker room, he had a funny feeling the allegations weren't just dropped.  He grabbed his badge and gun from his desk again when he saw Abbie reappear, "mollys?" He smiled as they walked down the stairs.  Abbie smiled, "I'm actually a little tired, imma head out" she nodded and patted him on the shoulder before walking over to her car.  Jay frowned, he knew some was definitely going on but he was scared to ask, he didn't even know if he wanted to know what was done, but he knew something had gone on.

They all drove to mollys, apart from Abbie, she went home. She couldn't really face the team after what she had done, she didn't think it was best to talk about work with them. She was chilling on the couch watching a film instead, jet was right by her side. Jay was sat at the table with the team but his mind was all over the place, what did she do? What did hank do? Does the unit know? Is he just overthinking? Who knows. But he couldn't just sit around feeling full so he made up an excuse to go check on Abbie, "I'm gonna head out, it's been a long day" jay smiled and slid off the stool. The team all nodded and understood where he was coming from as they watched him leave.

Abbie was snapped into reality when there was a knock on her door, jet jumped and she stood up to go see who it was. She looked through the peep hole to see jay stood on the other side of the door, she smiled slightly and opened it up for him, "hey" she smiled. Jay stepped inside out of the cold and smiled, "hey" he nodded. Abbie walked through to the living room and he followed behind, "I know the allegations weren't just dropped, what really happened?" He looked at her as they sat down on the couch. Abbie sighed and faced him, "I only know as much as you do" she lied with a small smiled. Jay raised his eyebrows, "really? It's just weird how when I left this morning your lip was fine but now the allegations have been dropped you have a bust lip..." he frowned.

                 Abbie sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, "what happened doesn't matter jay" she looked at him blankly, jay shook his head, "it matters to me, did Voight do something? I know they weren't just dropped Abs, so talk to me" he frowned.  Abbie sighed, "hank didn't do anything..." she rested her head against her hand.  Jay furrowed his brows, "I did..." she added and looked down.  Jay looked at her in concern, "hey look at me, what did you do?" He asked worriedly.  Abbie looked back up at him, "I knew who made the accusations in the first place, it was Nolan and his gang just trying to get back at the CPD. They saw the round up go down this morning and took that as a good opportunity to claim revenge..." she sighed.  Jay nodded, "so I took a personal to go talk to him" she added.  Jay tilted his head in shock, "Abbie..." he sighed.

                   Abbie put her hand out so she could finish, "I told him that he either had to drop the accusations or I bust his ass for his felonies, so we made a deal..." she shrugged her shoulders.  Jay rubbed his head, "what kind of deal?" He raised his eyebrows.  Abbie smiled, "he drops the allegations about you and leaves the unit out of trouble, and in return I keep my mouth closed about his drugs" she laughed a little.  Jay looked at her as if she was crazy, "what were you thinking? You could end up dead because of this" he leant forward and met her gaze.  Abbie smiled, "I was thinking of your career, your life. And if I'm being honest I wasn't thinking about what could happen, I just knew I had to do something..." she looked down. 

                   Jay stayed quiet for a second and looked at her, "you idiot..." he started.  Abbie looked up sadly, "you crazy, amazing idiot..." he finished off.  Abbie smiled, "what about your lip? None of that really explains why your lips purple..." he frowned.  Abbie laughed, "Nolan gave me a warning, a physical one..." she looked down, it kind of triggered her ptsd when he slapped her but she forgot about it till now.  Jay placed a hand under her chin and lifted her head up, "it's okay, we're in this together. What happens to you happens to me too, does Voight know about this?" He smiled.  Abbie laughed as he let go of her chin, "he was the one who found me in the alley trying to sneak off, if I'm being honest I thought he was gonna fire me but he told me that I cannot tell anyone, which is why you have to stay quiet about this" she looked at him.  Jay nodded, "our secret" he put out his pinkie finger, Abbie laughed and gave him a pinky promise.  The pair watched a film since he was already there, he was the luckiest man in the world to have a such an amazing partner.

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