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I ran and ran and ran until I can no longer see the house behind me. I'm positive that I'll pass out anytime soon because of exhaustion but I don't stop. I ran until I no longer know where I am. When I'm positive that I'm far from her house, I sat on the pavement, catching my breath. I closed my eyes and kicked a rock. I wanted to scream because of frustration but I'm too weak and too tired to do that. Nisha was right when she said I needed to exercise more.


I hugged my knees, letting my tears fall.

Where are you...

Is that the reason why I can't find you?

I need to know if you're safe. If you have an umbrella because it's starting to drizzle. I need to know if you have a shelter to sleep on tonight.

I need to know if you're alive.

God, I hope you are.


As soon as I got back to our house, I noticed a package at the doorway. I hesitantly grabbed it and my eyes widened when I saw Nisha's name on the sender's form. The package is for me. Nisha sent this to me.

I hurriedly went inside and ran upstairs, not even bothering to know if my parents are already home. I locked my door and sat on my bed as I stare at the package. From the way it was packed, I can already tell that it's either a book or a notebook. And for some reason, my heart started beating so fast. I glanced at the picture frame beside my bed. It's a picture of me and Nisha. It's the only picture we have together. It's the only picture I have of her that she's smiling.

I looked back at the package and ripped the plastic off of it and I was right. It is a notebook. A simple one. It has no design or whatsoever on it, but I can tell it's been used because of the folded edges of it. And some pages are crumpled. I skimmed the pages and my breath hitched when I saw Nisha's handwriting. I had to close it and take a deep breath. There's something about this notebook that's making me feel uneasy.

"Goddamn, Nisha," I said and calmed myself.

After a few minutes, I mustered the courage to open it and read the first page. This is indeed Nisha's, judging from her bad handwriting and doodles at the corner of the first page.

Nisha's Shitty Diary

If you're reading this, you're not allowed to talk to me anymore, dumbass. I'm the only one who can read this because this is private stuff. Not that I'm planning to give this to anyone because who would want to read a troubled girl's diary anyway...

Leave Before You Love Me (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon