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"Hey, are you y/n?"

"The depression girl?"

"Yah yah, not depression, anxiety you silly"

She just stare at them in scared. Her eyes, started to teary. They surrounding her making her step backwards without looking. When she does, there is a swimming pool, the deepest one. 'No no no no no, not now.'

Beep beep beep beep

"Hahahahah she already panic. Look at her face."

"Hahahaha weak"

Her watch on her wrist started sounds beeping, she clutched her heart, it's beating fast, she's breathing also getting heavy, desperately for air. Her face was pale, but her steps still backwards.

When her feet can't find the floor anymore, her body fall to the deepest pool, then she realized it was a dream. 'I need to wake up please.'

She opened her eyes abruptly and sit. Her breathing still getting heavy. Her hearts also beating really fast, making she groaned in pain. She clutched her heart. Then y/n remembered her session at the psychiatrist, she need to take a deep breath and blow out slowly.

It's not working so she doesn't have another option but to eat her pill then drink some water bottle on the nightstand. Y/n hates it because she don't like medicine and when she was desperate looking for it. It's like her life was depending on it.

After a second, she's breathing calm, her hearts do the same. As she thought everything was fine, she stared her dark room. Her hand switch on the lamp on the nightstand.

Suddenly, in the room, can be heard a sobbed. Her both knees was hugged, head on top it. Her cheeks was wet with tears, 'I'm tired of it. Why. Why it has to be me?' Her crying getting louder. Not to loud for her parents to hear.


In the morning, after she done getting ready for school, she walked downstairs, greeting her parents.

"Morning mom, dad."

"Morning honey."

Her feet made it way to the kitchen counter. Looking at the breakfast on the plate, she take two and bring it to the table where her dad sat. Y/n put the plates on her place and her dad's,

"Where are they?"

"Like always dad, late."

He shrugged when heard his daughter answer. Her mom then come, bring three more plates of breakfast and sat between her husband and daughter. Before they could eat, they looked towards stairs when the sounds of footsteps getting louder. Not a pairs, but two pairs of feet.

"Good morning!!!" They two shouted.

'Ughhh so loud.' She rolled her eyes.

"Morning my twin baby" Her mom chuckled.

"Good to see you guys bright in this morning but don't be too loud." Now her dad sighed.

"Sorry dad." They said in unison.

They come to join for breakfast. When they sat opposite her, Hyunjin stares at her. She mouth to him, 'What? Do you have a problem?' His eyes widened, 'Is this the way you're talking ro your brother?' 'You started it first. Stop glaring at me.' They're talking in mind, like a telepathy. The family's breakfast was peace.


"Mom, i and Jinnie going to home late. We got activity club
after school." The sister, Yeji told.

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