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I make my way from the manor towards our cabin.

We changed it. Needed a bigger place for the children. Carly, Luca, and Ryker. Our children.

I just got a mind link from Caroline that they had met their wolves and I couldn't be more excited. Carly already met hers two years ago, Nancy. She was the most beautiful gray wolf I've ever seen with these golden eyes. I know her mother would've been proud as well as her father.

I followed Caroline's scent to the giant Oak tree in front of our cabin. Where she always is with the kids. Laughing and playing with them. The light in her eyes was almost blinding but it made me happy. It made me feel like a damn lucky wolf.

She was sitting against the tree with the pups playing around. Ryker turned out to be a wolf too. We were shocked at first but we accepted it. I would've accepted him no matter what. Even if he was human.

We got married three days after the war and in six months, we had Ryker. Carly was the most excited girl I've ever seen to be the biggest sister. And Luca was Ryker's age. Just six months difference exactly.

I watch as she scratches behind their floppy ears and I almost laugh when I see their little tails waggle in satisfaction. Like mine always does.
Walking up to them, she somehow senses me and smiles at me. The smile that I could never get tired of. The smile that I will never let fall. Never.
I picked up the pup one by one from her lap and set them on the grass while I lay between her legs and bury my head in her chest. Sighing in contentment as I feel all the exhaustion of the day being lift off from me. She wraps her arms around me and kisses my head "Long day?" I just groan which earns me a chuckle from her.

The pups barked because they hated when I had their mother all to myself. My eyes turn red and I growl at them which in return, I get a squeaky growls back from the three of them. Caroline chuckles "They're your children. Not your people. They won't back down without a fight."

That is what I wanted. I wanted them to fight me back. No matter how small they were and it made me fucking proud. I didn't want them to grow up in the manor. I wanted them to be here with me. Not as their Alpha King but a father. A father that I desperately wished I had.
Kane was rotting away in the prison cell and I couldn't be happier. I didn't let the kids meet him. They don't deserve to know who their grandfather is. The only person who's close to a grandfather to them is Claude and the grandmother is Clara. That's all they needed.

They were small, so they could easily climb on my back with their little paws. Ryker and Luca grabbed both my ear between their teeth and tried to pull me away from Caroline while Carly just clicked the back of my neck. Such a soft girl with such a big gift. The gift of knowing about unborn life and the gift of knowing about when the person will die.
Ryker was a black wolf like me. His wolf was called Ames. With golden eyes
Luca was this dark brown wolf, almost black and his wolf was called Cairo. With silver eyes.

Caroline grabbed Luca and Ryker in her arms again while I grabbed Carly and rubbed her small tummy. Her little body shakes in my arm because she was the most ticklish one ever.
I held her near my face and almost smiled when she started licking my nose. Grabbing her paw, I press my thumb right in the middle and her tiny white claws extracted. I kissed her paw and then set her down as I said to all of them "Change."

They ran beside the other tree and a second later, they came running towards me. Luca and Ryker in their underwear and Carly is in this short yellow dress. At once, they all attacked me, tackling me to the ground but not before I grabbed Caroline and pulled her with me.

I loved being a father, a mate, and a husband. The best gift on earth. Blessed by the goddess herself with endless happiness.

Grabbing Luca, I snarled and started tickling under his feet. He wiggled like a worm and laughed out loud "Dad, stop!"

Dad. The word that I was never allowed to use. But my children will.



I see Jaxon playing with the kids every day. And every day, I fall from him even more.

Carly was the smartest kid in her class. The sweetest and the humblest. While Luca and Ryker, were like two dumb peas in a pot. They were smart but they were sneaky brothers. Carly protected them the most and they protected Carly.

Jaxon gave me a choice to leave the territory after the war. To live away from the pack but I couldn't. I couldn't do that to the children. They needed this. I didn't want them to feel left out once they meet their wolves. I wanted to grow among their people. With their cousin Caden. We always have a play date almost six times a week.
And the best ones were when Jaxon and Will are busy in pack business while Patty, Claude and I, just play with the children. Sometimes Clara too. There was something brewing between Claude and Clara but they wouldn't tell us. We even caught them kissing once but they denied every fact of it. Which was hilarious for all of us.

Jaxon made a clinic for me outside the territory where I can see humans and wolves. The clinic was open for every creature, every being.

I finally get up from the ground and say "Time for dinner!" Because the sun was setting down. Jaxon picked up Carly while Ryker and Luca hugged both his legs. But Jaxon waddled with a smile on his face. Because they loved it.


After dinner, I get their teeth brushed and put them to bed. The three of them used the same room.

Carly is on one side of the wall and Luca and Ryker are on the other. I gave Carly the choice to have her room but she liked sleeping here. She told me she loved the sound of their heartbeats while she slept.

Believe it or not, they all slept in their underwear because they were hot all the time just like their father.

I tucked them in the bed and kissed their cheek. As I stand outside the room, I say "Lights out, okay?" I turned off the lights except for the little starlight that had star shadows in the ceiling and closed the door.

Making my way to my room, Jaxon was waiting for me on the bed. In sweats only. He chuckled "They're laughing." I snort "What do you expect? They're like a team. They laugh themselves to sleep every night. They even created their language that I still do not understand." I crawl in bed. He had his arms spread out and when I finally got into them, he wraps them around me and pulls me closer. He says "Tell me again how you fell in love with me." I groaned playfully because one time I told him how did I fell for him, he hasn't let it go ever since. Brings it up at least once a week.

I sit up and straddle his lap "Let me just show you." His eyes turn red and his chest purrs "You smell good." I kissed down his neck and his grip on my hips tightens. He says almost breathless "I love you, Caroline Moon."


No, I'm not crying! You are!

I really hope you liked this new version of Rogue Prince. I'm still baffled that how did my sixteen year old mind came with this.
But she did and she's a genius.

I love this story to my core and I hope you guys like it too.
Don't forget to vote and comment.

Love, Hope

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