Chapter 9: Tanner

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I opened my eyes and looked around, I was laying on the ground inside a dark forest

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I opened my eyes and looked around, I was laying on the ground inside a dark forest. Blinking once or twice, I felt a wet drip on me. Looking to my front, I saw a wolf hovering over me. A gray wolf with amber eyes. Sneering his teeth at me.
I tried to move but it put its giant paw on my arm, pushing its claws in my skin. I cried out loud in pain to the point I was screaming. I looked to my right and felt its snout on my cheek as it still sneered in my ear, scaring me to death.

I tried moving again and it held my neck between its teeth. Not biting me but holding me enough that one move, and it'll snap my neck with its teeth. It felt like the wolf was enjoying my pain as it again put its paw on my other arm. Drilling its claws in the skin, loving it whenever I scream in pain it gives me. I screamed out loud, begging "Please stop. PLEASE JUST STOP. I BEG YOU. JUST STOP!"

I woke up screaming and thrashing. Punching the wind as hard as I could. I heard whimpers in the dark and something nuzzling my cheek. My body was stiff as a rock until I turned on the lamp. I gasped in horror but then realized the fur was black, not gray. Getting out from my claustrophobic blanket, I dangled my legs out to the side of my bed, sitting as I clutched the seams of my mattress. My hand shaking as I clutched it right to the point my nails hurt. Sweat drops dripping down my face like water, stinging my eyes too.
I looked at the black wolf sitting on the floor in front of me. Even sitting, he was the same as my height. I asked trying to catch my breath "How did you get in?" He looked past me and I followed his gaze to the open balcony "Why did I even ask."

He nudged his head to the water glass on my side table like he was telling me to drink it. Grabbing the glass, I drank the water as my throat felt like somebody dumped sand in my mouth. Keeping the glass back on the table, I ran my finger through my messy hair and looked at him again "What are you doing here?" I was still sleepy and exhausted. He nudged his snout of my knee and I furrowed my brows, trying to understand him. He lightly put his paw on my chest and I heard him whisper in my head "Trust me." and slowly pushed me down. I laid my back on my bed and then felt his nose nudge my knee. Sighing, I laid back in bed like he wanted me to.
He grabbed my blanket with his teeth and put it on me. I don't know how he turned off the lamp, but he did. Closing my eyes thinking that he's leaving but I was wrong as I felt him climb up on the bed and slowly laid beside me. Half of his body hovering over me. His head on my chest, gently stroking my jaw with his nose like he was trying to put me back to sleep. My eyes started getting heavy and I was slowly drifting to sleep. Remembering the last thing was when he nuzzled his face in my neck.


I moaned as I started waking up to the bright light in the room and something heavy on me. As my eyes adjusted, I saw Jaxon on me sleeping in human form. His cheek on my right breast and his hand on my left, almost cupping it. I slowly removed his hand and looked down to find this man butt-naked on me. With my feet, I flipped the corner of my blanket on his butt and smiled to myself.

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