Chapter 4: Mate

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Do you know the best thing about fighting? It helps you cool down from all that pent-up anger. The angry fire that has been burning inside me for 12 years straight.

"Jaxon Moon!"

I heard my name and I walked out the gates, ready to beat whoever my new opponent was. Now, no one trains me. I'm a trained warrior. Living in a werewolf community where all the men are trained like soldiers will do you that.

Or I was.

I heard people screaming my name out loud. There was more chanting of my name rather than his.
I waited as the coach of that Tyron guy speaks to him, handing out tips that I found very useful. Sensitive super hearing helps too in fighting. You always know if your opponent is going to play dirty or not.
In midst of the crowd, there was a sound that was bugging me. Closing my eyes, I focused on that sound and it was a heartbeat.

A heartbeat?

A whiff of cold air hit my face as I craned my neck up to smell that sweet cinnamon fragrance. I opened my eyes as the color of the world just turned red and snapped my head to the bleachers. Tanner scratched in the back of my mind" Mate! Mate! Mate!"
Oh, she was beautiful. Her eyes were light blue and she had pretty wavy blonde hair that reached to her shoulders. Deep full pink lips that were just itching me to touch them. I noticed she was looking at me but then she gasped.

Shit! Wolf eyes.

I closed my eyes to calm my wolf down. It took everything in my power to not turn into a wolf and just stand beside her, protect her. I took a deep breath to take her scent in and that's when I noticed something impossible.

A human? Could it be real? Could it be true? My mate is a human. A pure human.

We looked at each other again, none of us daring to break the eye contact. But that wasn't too long-lived, until I felt a bad punch across my cheek, knocking me flat on the floor. I heard her gasp again and she whispered"Get up, Jaxon." Looking at her again with a smile, I got up and before the son of a bitch could kick me, I grabbed his leg and elbowed right in his kneecap, hearing the sweet crack of the bone. Making him fell on the floor in pain.
I looked at my human as she had her eyes clenched. I heard the counting of the crowd but I decided to not mind them at all. My ears were fixed on her racing heartbeat and my eyes on her squeamish face. Tanner say"She's afraid." And I agreed. Who wouldn't be? She saw my red eyes, she saw how I fought, she saw how mercilessly I broke his bone. I wouldn't blame her.

I felt the referee hold my wrist as he raised my arm in the air telling everyone that I was the winner of the night. But was I the winner to her? Or was I the villain? Or a heartless freak with red eyes?

Tanner said again"Stop thinking, Jaxon. You're making assumptions that you have no evidence for. Maybe she's not afraid. Maybe she rather hear the explanation of what we are than assume that we're monsters. You don't know that."

He wasn't wrong.

I said to him in my mind"We need to follow her."

"You better."

I walked in through the gates that I came in from and quickly packed my bag, stuffing everything inside. I had to be quick before I lose her.
I grabbed my bag and ran out in just a change of sweatpants and bare feet. Not even caring of the money I would be getting payed for winning. I just wanted to meet her.
I reached the empty parking lot and I saw her getting in the car. I quickly put my stuff in my jeep. I couldn't follow her in my car or else I will scare her and she might think I'm a pervert of some sort.

As the car drove away, I knew no one was near me at all. I said, "Tanner, wanna go for a run?" He howled in my head" I thought you'd never ask."
My chest purred as sharp claws grew through my fingers, my vision pure red as the bones in my body cracked with sweet pain. I ran with my own two feet, I ran faster than any human. I jumped in the air and perfectly landed on my paws. Running after the car that our mate was in.

I said to Tanner as he was the responsible one for the physical control of our wolf."Be cautious. You're out in the open and we don't want her to know anyway that you're following her." He said, "What did I tell you about being a back seat driver, Jaxon?" He hated when I did that but this was important. I said"I know but we know that she's our mate. Our hormone level is to the point we really wanna jump her bones as soon as we look at her. She's human. We don't wanna scare her."

"I... hate it when you're right."


We ran for a good 10 minutes after the car. But the car stopped at the Maple Hotel.

Is she not a resident here?

It got me worried. If she's not a resident here, it means she'll leave soon.


I saw her from a mile as she got out of the car with a slight smile on her lips. Eavesdropping on their conversation as the other girl said"Good night, Dr. Quinn."

Doctor? Fancy.

And then I heard her voice for the first time"Patty, please call me Caroline." Patty giggled"Yes, Caroline. Good night."

"Good night, Patty."

And the girl in the car drove away.

Dr. Caroline Quinn. Saying her name made Tanner shiver with delight. He shook his body and I say "Hide in the forest." He did as I said.
Luckily, her hotel room was on the outer side of the building, giving me and Tanner the perfect view of her with our super sight.

Oh, she was gorgeous.

I saw her take her jacket off and Tanner said"If she's gonna change her clothes, near the window, we close our eyes." I chuckled"No promises, Tanner."
Thank god she didn't change near the window.
But it got worse when she opened the window in only a thin violet nightgown.
We wanted to be known, we wanted to be heard. I said"Tanner... howl." He let out a soft howl to the moon- our moon and we saw her eyes light up as she smiled like she knew it was us. She knew it was her mate.

She closed her window and we saw her pick up a small bottle from her nightstand as she took one pill from it.

Is she sick? Is she hurting? Is she okay?

She lied down in her bed and turned off the light. We hear her count till 11 and then slowly drifting to sleep and lightly snoring.

Can't wait to meet her.



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