Chapter 35: My Pain

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He asks "I was thinking. How about we go into town? Just for a couple of weeks, hmm?" I look at him as he grabs my left hand and kisses each knuckle softly "Are you okay with that?" He smiles "I'm okay with anything as long as it makes you feel safe and happy." I let a sigh of relief as my forehead rest against his neck "I'd really like that, Jaxon." He wraps his arms around me and says "Great, I'll pack, and then we'll go, okay? Nobody needs to know." I nodded and kiss him "Thank you." I peck his lips but he grabs my cheek and deepens the kiss.


He didn't let me do any work at all.

He made breakfast, made the bed, and also, he packed my bags for me as well.

We reached the town by eight in the night.

Walking up the stairs, he carried both our bags and my arms were grabbing onto his shirt as I limped my way up the stairs. He wanted to carry me but I didn't want him to make two trips just for the bags.

When I finally unlocked the door and walked in, I felt happy to be away from that place, away from him. I felt at home.

He puts the bags down on the floor and asks "What do you want to eat?" I shake my head "I'm tired and I'm not hungry." He smiles, grabbing my face and kissing me "You need to eat. I'll go and get your favorite pizza, okay?"

"You don't need to."

"Oh yes, I do. I'm not letting you sleep on an empty stomach. You didn't even finish your eggs in the morning."

I nodded and he kisses my temple "I'll be back, okay? Ten minutes tops." I smile at the fact that he wanted to assure me of the time because he knew how I felt when he was even an inch far away from me. I want him around me, I needed him to hold me all day.

As soon as he opened the door, we were greeted by Mrs. Spellman. She smiles at us as she said "Oh, you're back!" Petting her black cat in her hands. I almost smiled at the fact wolves hated cats. Because Jaxon's face was a sight to see. He almost growled at her. Putting my hand on his shoulder, I said "It's good to see you too, Mrs. Spellman." She smiled warmly as Jaxon said "I'm gonna get that pizza. You want some, Mrs. Spellman?" She shakes her head "Oh no, thank you, dear." He smiles one last time and walks away.

As soon as he's out of sight, she looks at me and said: "You've gone thinner, Caroline." I prayed that Jaxon didn't hear that. She looks at the ring in my hand and gasps "Oh, congratulations. When did he propose?" I smiled as I looked at the ring again "last night." She shakes her head "That is one gorgeous ring. He certainly has good taste." I nod agreeing.
She sighs "Well, I'm off to bed- oh, I have something for you." My brows furrow as she goes in and comes back with a white envelope. She passes it to me and says "This came for you two days ago. I was going out to buy some cat food but when I saw it lying on the ground, I took it with me because I knew you weren't home and I was scared that it might get stolen if it's important." I smiled warmly at her as I take the envelope "Thank you so much, Mrs. Spellman." She smiles one last time before she walks into her apartment and closes the door.

I walk in mine and close the door behind me and locking it too. There was no name on the envelope, no address. Just plain and white and light too.


I opened it and took a to what seemed to be a letter. But as soon as I unfolded the page, I knew what it was. I knew the writing all too well.

"You think you could hide from me, little rabbit? I know you're in your loft reading this letter right now. It's only a matter of time till I take you away from him and crush his heart beneath my boot. Sweet dreams."

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