The start of the adventure

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McKenna was watching her tv at home. She was in deep in thought when her father came next to her. "Hey my little angel." He says putting his arm around his daughters back. She smiles a bit. "Thanks dad, just, thinking about Sis again." She says. Her dad hugs her. "McKenna, you know Miranda wouldn't want you thinking about her like that right?" He says. McKenna nods. They recently moved to twinleaf town in sinnoh after moving from fortree city in hoenn. "Yeah, I know but, I just can't help it." McKenna says.

After the talk the two had McKenna walked into her room and went to sleep. The next day McKenna wakes up and goes outside looking at the scenery. She sees a green haired boy. "Hey." McKenna says shyly walking over. She wants to try and get to know the people she's going to be living with so, might as well make some friends. "Uhh hi." The green haired kid says. "Umm, my names McKenna." McKenna says. "Devon." The green haired kid says. "Uhh I'm new here, I just moved here from fortree with my dad. My mom had to stay at fortree." McKenna says. "Huh, so you're familiar with stuff like climbing ladders?" Devon asks. McKenna nods. "Cool, anyway, welcome to twinleaf." Devon says. McKenna and Devon end up talking the rest of the day.

The next day when McKenna and Devon were talking a third kid walked over. "Hello there my names Victor." He says. "Oh hey a loudmouth." Devon mockingly says. "Hey Devon, I don't think it's right to mock someone we just met." McKenna says. "Anyways, I'm McKenna." McKenna says. "Nice to meet you." Victor says. Devon rolls his eyes. "Devon." He says. Victor and Devon, basically argue sometimes with McKenna acting as the peacemaker. Eventually Victor speaks up about something. "You know what'd be cool, if we could choose a sinnoh starter from the professor in sandgem town." Victor says. "You realize going that way is a death wish right? We don't have Pokémon of our own to fight while we go that way." Devon says. "Still it'd be cool."
Victor says as he drags the two along with him. "You're going to die." Devon says. McKenna just watches because she's curious. Victor is about to run into the grass when suddenly. "Hey, you kids know running into the grass is a death wish right?" The voice says. It's professor rowen of sinnoh.

"Woah professor." Victor says. A young guy comes out as well. "Professor, you know your meeting is scheduled soon, you know the one with professor oak?" The young guy says. "Yes yes I know James. It's nice having an assistant, however these kids tried running into the grass." The professor says. "It was the doofus." Devon says. "Hey." Victor says. Professor rowen sighs. "Regardless it's inexcusable, so here's a question, do you three like Pokémon?" Rowen asks. All three say yes. "Do you really love Pokémon?" Rowen asks. "It doesn't matter how many times you ask, we'll always say yes." Victor says. "I see. James, hand me the briefcase with the starters." Rowen says. "Umm yes sir." James says giving him the briefcase. "These are the starters of the sinnoh region, however, the Pokémon here chooses its partner." Rowen says.

James throws the three Pokémon and what come out are, the water penguin Pokémon piplup, the fire monkey Pokémon chimchar, and the grass turtle Pokémon turtwig. "These are the three starters, each of you will get one." Rowen says. The chimchar immediately jumps onto victors face and knocks him onto the ground. "Ok your name is goku." Victor says. "Please no." Devon says. The piplup walks over to Devon, and starts pecking his foot ig. Devon picks up the piplup. "Ok your name is Maeda." Devon says. The turtwig runs up to McKenna. "Umm, you're named Forest." McKenna says. "Not creative." Victor says. "Goku, you took the name from a dragon ball z character." Devon says. "Fair enough." Victor say, Goku climbing onto his shoulder.

"Please, just take good care of your new starters, and don't do anything stupid." Professor Rowen says. As he goes off to the lab James his assistant sends out a magnezone to protect them from any incoming wild Pokémon. "Yo this is awesome! We are officially Pokémon trainers!" Victor yells. "Yeah we are, just, stop yelling." Devon says.

The three look at each other. "Hey McKenna, mind being the referee in a battle between goku and maeda?" Victor asks. "Uhh sure." McKenna says. "You want your fire type to face against a water type?" Devon asks. "Yeah, goku can take on anything." Victor says. "Battle begin." McKenna says. "Goku use scratch!" Victor yells as goku goes in for the scratch maeda uses bubble which sends goku flying back against a nearby tree. "Type advantages, you have it over McKenna." Devon says. "Screw advantages!" Victor says as goku suddenly releases a powerful ember on maeda sending him flying. "Uhh that was ember right?" Victor asks. "Looks like an overheat attack." McKenna says. "Sweet goku learned a new attack during our first battle, we're totally going to be the strongest!" Victor yells happy. "Maybe we should go to sandgem town and actually, get some pokeballs to catch Pokémon." Devon says. "Yeah, I do want to catch myself a shinx." McKenna says. "Than let's get going and do that." Victor says

And with that, the trio head off to sandgem town to get some pokeballs and possibly learn from more experienced trainers as the journey has just begun.

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