XXVIII. Optimism

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Author's Note: This chapter will talk about one of the most iconic comedy show called "Mr. Bean." To those who don't know, the show is about a funny British man name Mr. Bean (played by Rowan Atkinson) and his stuffed toy, Teddy.

Many of us deal with certain situations differently. Some of you are able to handle disagreements well while others only add fuel to the fire. You may have known someone who got to sell off their car and jewelries to afford rent.
No matter how tough life gets, you are somehow able to find a solution to your problems.

Not all of us are perfect.

There are times we screw up, feel like garbage and hold regrets. This is how I saw Mr. Bean.
As a kid, this mute stranger is seen as a selfish jerk suffering from immaturity. He did everything that no sane human would do. Still, people still loved watching this guy and his stuffed teddy bear. When I say "mute," his show relied on his goofy actions. No dialogue. Just the laugh track playing in the background.
Looking back, you can see how creative and satisfied he is in life. From returning a lost baby with the use of balloons to driving on top of his car using a broomstick, it's clear that there's nothing he can't do.

Believe me if I tell you that Rowan Atkinson was a successful actor with a Master's Degree and also appointed CBE (Most Excellent Order of the British Empire).
He chose acting so he could improve his stutter.
His peers at school may have doubted his intelligence, but this didn't stop him from getting to where he is now.

If the actor just gave up and kept telling himself what others think are true, do you think the world would have Mr. Bean grace our TV screens?
You may be flawed and suffering, but it doesn't mean hope is lost. There is always a bright side to all of us. Having an enjoyable life always starts with you.

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