VI. Bullies

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No matter where you go, there are going to be people who treat you like garbage. The bullies want to show you who's boss.
Ignoring the bullies does not stop bullying either. They enjoy seeing you react and making it seem like you're sensitive.
Telling someone that they have to be friendly towards the bullies is like insisting they go hug a criminal.
Do you know why these bullies even exist? It is because they seek attention. Some of them grew up in a dysfunctional environment. They may also be victims of bullying themselves and the only way to appear bigger is to be the bully, too.
I used to think that these bullies would eventually grow up. But nope! They are also present in workplaces, neighborhoods, dorms, entertainment and among families.
It is frustrating that you end up in trouble simply for fighting back. Any form of self-defense is valid. The bullies deserve the right kind of punishment for their actions.
Bullying is NOT OK. Even if you think the person deserved it, that does not excuse this type of act. So many lives are affected just by one's words and actions.

1) Parents, don't give your kids the eyeroll and respond with "Oh, what did you do now? What will the neighbors think?." You are already assuming they are guilty of something, worry a lot about yourselves other than focusing on their well-being. Alwyas listen to them.

2) In case nobody is on your side after fighting the bully, talk to someone who can help you. You can also engage in online communities for bully victims.

3) If you used to bully someone, think about how they would feel if you hurt them. Bullying only makes you unpleasant.

4) Constantly mocking or throwing shade is also considered bullying.

5) Don't tell the bully victim to stay put and avoid trouble. You are implying that the victim is not in the right to be assertive.

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