XX. Ego

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You know what gets on people's nerves? Hearing someone talk about how they're way above criticism because of their age and status.
It doesn't matter if you're a clever novice who made a constructive feedback on a professional artist's discriminating piece. The artist will send in his aficionados to put you in place.

It's been a habit for people to declare their achievements with "I did it!" or "I am the best!"
Having an excessive ego gives off a false belief that they can do no wrong. They don't mind walking all over you like some pompous snob. In their eyes, nobody can top them off.
There have been other cases where they attempt to stop potential competitors from much better than them. It's definitely wrong to attack a young female artist for earning a lot of money than these older male artists who have been in the industry for ten years. Anyone with an egocentric mindset doesn't give chances to others outside their circle.
There are also these egocentric people who spread negative emotions about you. This is common among public figures who view their critics as the enemy. They make drama out of it in order to boost their campaign.
Allowing your ego to get the best of you only leads to chaos. There is nothing wrong with celebrating your achievements but at the same time, you have to consider how your ego can affect your surroundings. At the end of the day, all of those insecurities will eventually catch up with you.

To all egomaniacs out there:

Don't be afraid if someone happens to be better than you. The criticism towards your actions can also show how people care about you. Whether you are the CEO of a company or celebrity, it doesn't excuse treating others beneath you like garbage. We're all human. We love you for the way you are - a humble person.

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