XI. Money

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Money is one of the main reasons we're alive. We pay the bills for electricity, water, gas and air. We pay our tuition fees to continue our education. We need money to eat and drink.
Here is how you can definitely save your piggy bank. If you have Php 2,000 (US$ 41.37) in your wallet, list down the possible things you need. Let's say you head to a store where they sell affordable items. You're in luck because it's only a fifteen-minute walk from home. Between a Fuji apple costing Php 10 (US$ 0.21) and Php 25 (US$ 0.52) for a golden apple, you're definitely opting for the cheaper one. In case your friends suddenly asked you out for at McDonald's, you suggest they join you for dinner at home to save your wallet.
Save the remaining money in a safe place. Next time you need it, there is still some to spend. An interesting tip is to leave at least a few pennies in your piggy bank (pabahay).

You know what is even interesting?

A lot of kids in the United States try to save up money by putting up a garage sale, lemonade stand, mowing the neighbor's lawn, walking someone's dog and house-sitting.
Once they're old enough to drive, these teens work in fastfood restaurants, cafes and stores to prepare for college. It's because they are expected to be independent by the age of eighteen.
They find their own place to stay, pay for tbeir bills and attending college brings in student loans (which is the amount of money you're going to pay back the school).
This is far different from other countries like the Philippines where most college students are reliant on their parents to pay off their education and still live with them until adulthood.

I get that it's dull, but we are all gonna need it one day. This is why these successful businessmen have a lot of money.

You know what their main secret is?

They don't spend on useless junk like milk tea and Gucci bags. They focus their time investing on the prominent skills they have.
Because I'm an artist and writer, I can earn money by selling my art-driven books.

Money is nothing if you're not responsible enough to handle it. Try learning from real money gurus or financial consultants. They can surely figure out what you need.

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