X. Grow Up

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You have heard this expression before. This obviously means "to quit acting like a petulant child." When you're way past the age of five, you can already express your thoughts in a rational way. However, this has a bad reputation for being hurtful.
Each one of us develop at our own pace. I don't think it's right to come up to a person and tell them to "grow up." Whoever said this needs to chill out.
I admit that I'm not mature. The reason these older adults hate me is because I "act like a teenager." They fail to consider the wide age gap between us.
When you're an adult, it is expected you have things figured out. You don't throw a hissy fit like a teenage drama queen whenever problems arise. You are supposed to be the good role model for these impressionable youth.
It is weird that adults are panned for watching cartoons. As the eldest, they have to take responsibility for their younger siblings' actions, bring food on the table and exhibit good social skills. It becomes toxic when they let the little one's bad behavior slide - because you're supposed to the patient "Ate" or "Kuya."
Being an adult isn't all about watching "FRIENDS," having a job and flirting at a party. You start becoming a better person, appreciating yourself and living life to the fullest.
It's also wrong to think that adulthood is when life becomes less fun. There are adults out there who make mistakes, grumble and still enjoy stuff from their childhood.
An adult never waste a second pointing out the mistakes of others. We are always responsible for our own actions.

You are only young once, so enjoy each possible moment given to you ...

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