V. Mental Health II

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Author's Note: This is going to be a continuation of the first. It is still advisable for you to speak with a real expert on this field.

A few things which needs to stop is labeling anyone with random mental illness.
Have you ever spoken what's on your mind and this stranger replied with "You need help"? How did you feel about it? Surely, this is like an attack on you. Whoever it is does not actually know you personally. They assume you're suffering from bipolar or schizophrenia in their book. They are not even licensed psychologists so their argument is invalid. Their attitude is discouraging those who actually suffer from mental illness from seeking help because this is what the public thinks of them.
Seeking help does not make you insane. The reason people see a therapist is so they can deal with their mental state properly. They need to talk to sources who are knowledgeable about their needs.
Parents, don't whine to your kids about how their therapy is draining on your budget or talk about how it isn't helping them improve right away. Getting better takes time. There are times patients can return to their old state but they will always get back up. They are not a burden. They are not a mistake. They are human.
Another case involves unpleasant individuals excusing mental illness as an excuse for their behavior. I have stumbled upon popular artists who try to label themselves as such. They know what they're doing; it is just they aren't taking responsibility for what they did. They give other innocent people with mental illness a bad name. Mental illness does not excuse bad behavior.
Now, this is a very debatable issue and I want you to take my opinions with a grain of salt. I see many young people posting edgy stuff online and telling you they're in pain. Kids, I know you're young but it is best to talk to a psychiatrist if you're suffering from anxiety, depression or some sort of addiction.

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