chapter 42: Avengers assemble one last time

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We all charged Thanos and attacked him. The downside of having super-speed and energy manipulation is that they can't be used simultaneously. I could either run fast or fire beams of energy. Never simultaneously. 

I shot a beam at Thanos, and he deflected it back at me with his sword. I was knocked backwards, but got back up and rejoined the fight. Thor recharged his hammers and fired lightning into the back of Tony's suit, which absorbed the power and diverted it to Thanos, who blocked it easily. Thor threw Mjolnir into the air and smacked it towards Thanos using Stormbreaker. 

I ducked under Mjolnir as it flew past my head. Thanos picked Tony up and used him as a shield, causing Tony to be sent flying by the impact of Mjolnir. Steve and I tag teamed Thanos, but only put up a short fight. Thanos threw Thor aside. Thor summoned Stormbreaker to his hand, but Thanos caught it and tried pressing it into Thor's chest. The reverse of five years ago. Just as contact was made with Thor's chest, Mjolnir knocked Thanos aside and flew back to the person who summoned it. I turned around and saw Steve wielding Mjolnir and his shield. I smiled to myself.

Steve and Thanos fought. This time, Steve could hold his own pretty well now that he had the strongest hammer in the universe. He knocked Thanos down and channelled the true power of Mjolnir to strike Thanos with a bolt of lightning. Thanos picked Steve up and slammed him into the ground. It was my turn, now. As Thanos went to pound Steve's head, I ran over and stopped his hand from colliding. I ran behind him and shot a bolt of energy at his head. I noticed a large, flat, round piece of rubble as we fought. I picked it up and charged it with my energy and threw it at Thanos' head. I jumped up to punch him, but he punched me away again. Steve and Thanos fought again. Thanos was repeatedly slamming his sword against the shield, breaking the strongest metal in the world. He knocked Steve across the battlefield, and I fell onto my chest, unable to get up. Blood was gushing out of my arms, legs, and face. My muscles were in extreme pain, and my head was ringing.

"In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet. I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much,"

"Yeah... Enjoy this," I grunted as I stood up. I ran towards him and jumped up to match his height. He uppercut me and I was flying for a solid twenty seconds. I landed on my back outside the destroyed compound. Another blue tractor beam came from his ship, and his whole army appeared. I stood up, and walked over to Steve.

"You got gumption, kid," He said to me.

"Just doing my bit to save the universe," I heard a sort of crackling behind me, so I turned around. A large orange ring was floating. Much to my surprise, T'Challa, Shuri and Okoye stepped out of it. T'Challa removed his helmet and smiled at me and Steve. Sam Wilson flew out of the ring. About a hundred or so more rings appeared, and everyone who had been 'blipped' joined the fight. I saw Wanda float down from her entrance point. A huge smile appeared on my face. I ran over to her and hugged her very tightly.

"Wanda! It worked!" I said excitedly, holding her head. "I missed you so much," I said, hugging her again. She smiled at me adorably and I planted a kiss on her lips.

"Missed me that much, huh?"

"Yes," We got ready to fight and Scott, now giant, burst out of the compound holding Bruce, Rhodey, and Rocket.

"AVENGERS!..." Mjolnir came back to Steve. "ASSEMBLE!"

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