chapter 28: rock up at the lock up

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We slowly walked towards each other, and chose an opposite team member to go for. I chose Spider-Man. He web-slung past me, and I gave chase. We fought for a short while, before he flew away.

"Right, where's Tony?" I thought to myself as I looked around.

"Mr Stark is 150 yards to your left," S.A.M said.

"Eh? I didn't say anything. I thought about that question," I said confused.

"I also work psychologically,"

"That's really helpful," I ran in Tony's direction, and he shot 2 repulsor bolts at me which hit me square in my chest. I fell onto my knee, and felt a surge of speed flow through my body. I stood up, and ran behind Tony. He turned around, and just looked at me. I went to punch him, but a black and white bolt of energy came out of my hand and sent Tony backwards.

"What the hell," The black and white aura disappeared. "Just like Sokovia," I saw Bucky was against a box, and T'Challa was readying up to scratch his jugular. I ran over to them, and spun T'Challa around. Wanda used her magic to send T'Challa flying.

"Scott, where are you?" I asked.

"Inside Iron-Man,"

"To each their own, I suppose," He came out of Iron-Man, and Sam flew overhead.

"Alright, Sam. What's the play?" Steve asked.

"We need a diversion. Something big,"

"I got something kinda big. But I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me,"

"You sure about this, Scott?" Steve asked.

"I do it all the time. I mean, once. In a lab. Then I passed out," I turned around, and saw a giant Scott Lang holding Rhodey.

"Holy shit," I ran up to the roof of the airport, and waited. Rhodey was taking a route across Scott.

"Scott, I'm running across you. Turn to your left a bit," I ran across the roof of the airport, across Scott's arm, and jumped onto Rhodey. He started falling, and shot some bullets at me, which I dodged whilst free falling. Rhodey flew over to Wanda, who was holding the watchtower in place for Steve and Bucky, and started using his sound wave gun to hurt Wanda. I ran over and held my hand up to him, hoping to summon my other powers, but to no avail.

"Oh, yeah, don't work when I need you too," I picked Wanda up, and ran out of the vicinity. Rhodey flew away, and Scott collapsed and shrunk.

"This doesn't look good," Wanda said.

"No, it doesn't. Where are Steve and Bucky?"

"In there," She pointed towards the hangar.

"Good," The quinjet left the hangar, and Tony and Rhodey started flying towards it. Vision came over to Wanda and I.

"I'm sorry," He said to us. "It is as I said. Catastrophe," He turned to face the quinjet, and The Mind Stone started glowing. A yellow beam erupted out of it, and Rhodey came slowly plummeting towards the ground. I ran towards his projected impact point in an attempt to catch him. He crashed behind me, and Tony and Sam landed.

"Read vitals," Tony spoke with a panicked tone.

"Heartbeat detected. Emergency medical is on it's way," Friday said.

"I'm sorry," Sam said, evoking a repulsor shot from Tony. He went to shoot me, but lowered his hand. I ran back to Wanda.

"What happened?"

"Rhodey. He's in a bad way. This has gone too far," Sirens were blaring, and coming closer to us at a rapid pace.

"We can run. Start a new life in Scotland. Charlie and Wendy," I suggested to Wanda, but she shook her head. I deactivated my suit and hugged her close.

"Whatever happens. We'll get through it together," I kissed her forehead, and looked into the distance.


The Raft...

Since Leipzig, all of Team Cap (minus Steve and Bucky) had been incarcerated at The Raft. Wanda and I had been put in straight-jackets to prevent us from using our powers to escape. I mean, what am I gonna do? Move fast enough so that my atoms are moving at the same frequency as air, meaning that I could phase through the walls? Wait... would that work? Tony walked into our cell block.

"Bastard," I shouted.

"Rude," He shouted back. He walked around the cell block and stopped at Sam's cell. They conversed for a while about where Steve and Bucky had gone. He left.


There were some loud noises coming from outside, which caught my attention. Someone came down into the block, and walked over to Sam's cell. It was Steve Rogers.

We stood at the entrance to The Raft.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Steve asked me.

"There's some place in Portugal I can go to. I just hope it's legit. But first, I have to go back to the compound," He looked at me seriously.

"If Stark catches you, you'll be back here,"

"I'll be in and out in a flash," I hugged Wanda, and kissed her.

"You can't come with me, I'm sorry," I said, and she nodded at me. "Where will you go?"

"I'll start a new life in Scotland as Wendy Murphy," She said, smiling at me. I chuckled, and kissed her again.

"Stay safe. I love you,"

"I love you too," I turned to Scott, and hugged him.

"I hope we meet again, Scott," I hugged Sam and Steve and ran back to New York. I ran through the compound to my room, picked up the business card, and ran back out. I saw Rhodey trying to walk on his own, so I went over to him, and he gave me a confused look.

"Rhodey, I'm so sorry for Leipzig,"

"It's cool, man," He said, smiling through a frown.

"Don't tell Tony I was here," He snickered, and I started running all the way to Portugal.

"So, Sam, we're in for a long ride. What other skills do you have?" I said, trying not to think about what was going to happen. I'm a war criminal now, that's pretty neat. Who knows what's in store for me in Portugal. Only time will tell.

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