chapter 7: avengers assemble

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I walked up to the bridge, and sat down at a table.

"You alright, kid?" Fury asked me.

"Yea, where is everyone?" I replied, wiping some blood off my face.

"Stark and Rogers are repairing engine 3, Romanoff is somewhere with Barton. Do you know where Thor and Banner are?"

"Bruce jumped onto a jet which exploded, and Thor went to check on Loki, I think," He left the bridge, and headed towards Loki's cell. I stood up, and headed to the med bay, where Nat and Clint where.

"Alright, Cupid?" I said, as I entered the room.

"How many famous archers do you know?" Nat asked sarcastically.

"A fair few," I replied, smirking at her.

"Wait, who the hell are you?" Clint asked whilst sitting up straight.

"(Y/N) (L/N). My gimmick is that I can run fast," We shook hands.

"Good to meet you, Road Runner,"


"You call me Cupid, I call you Road Runner," He said, smiling at me.

"Fine, Barton," I poured myself a drink, and sat down.

"So, what happened?" I asked.

"Loki. He used his staff to get into my head, and make me do his bidding," Clint explained.

"I'm sorry, that sounds awful. Loki got away with the staff, by the way, Tasha,"

"Tasha? Who is this guy, your boyfriend?" Clint joked, and I laughed.

"In case you hadn't noticed, I'm British, so saying Tasha sounds better than Nat. It's also easier to say,"

We sat talking for a while about Loki, and what his next steps could be. Steve appeared at the door.

"Time to go,"

"Go where?" Nat asked.

"I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" Clint came out of the bathroom, with a towel in his hands.

"I can,"

"You got suits?" Steve asked Clint and I. We both nodded. "Then suit up," He left, and I took my shirt off, and put it on the table.


I stood between Nat and Clint in a jet, and looked out the windshield. A beam of energy erupted from Stark Tower as we flew down towards it.

"Shit just got real," I openly said, and Clint chuckled to himself. We flew lower down, into Manhattan.

"Stark, we're on your three headed north-east," Nat said to Tony.

"What, did you stop for drive through?" He remarked. "Swing up park. I'm going to lay them out for you," A gun came from the underside of the jet, and started shooting at the Chitauri that were emerging from the portal. Nat pulled up around Stark Tower, and started shooting Loki, who retaliated by shooting us with his staff. He hit one of our engines, causing us to start spiralling out of control. We crashed into the street, and the nose of the jet collided with a tall office building. The ramp opened, and we all got out. We rushed into the street, and turned a corner.

"We gotta get back up there," Steve said. There was a loud mechanical growl, and I looked up to the portal. A big Chitauri dragon thing came diving out of it.

"Well that's just brilliant," I said sarcastically. The dragon came down Stark Tower and flew over us.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked.

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