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~5 Months later~

"We finally made it" I said as Vinnie and I walked up to our gate number. We were going to Seattle for Christmas. Well we were trying to Vinnie was getting us lost around the airport but we had just made it in time.

"Just on time to" he said as we got in line for boarding. They scanned our passes and then we got on the plane. We walked to our seats and sat down I was lucky because I got a window seat. Vinnie sat in the middle and we waited to see who else would sit down.

"Are you nervous?" Vinnie asked looking over at me, "to meet you're parents or for the plane ride?" I asked as he laughed. "Well both" he said nodding his head, "no and yes" I said shrugging my shoulders.

This was going to be my first time meeting Vinnie's parents but I wasn't that nervous. With the way Vinnie talked about them I felt like we were going to get along. His mom was actually the one who had asked me to come for Christmas.

She invited me to their thanksgiving dinner but Vinnie couldn't leave because of something he was working on. Instead we had a friends-giving dinner at Vinnie's house and everyone who didn't go home for the holidays came over.

"I think we have the whole row" Vinnie said as I looked around noticing the plane was full. "Good no drunk person" I said referring to the last flight I took.

After the plane took off Vinnie scooted down a seat so I could put the arm rest up and lay down. 

The past five months have flown by and a lot has happened, so let me catch you up. In September I got a job offer but I would have to transfer hospitals. The hospital they wanted to move me to was only 20 minutes away from Vinnie.

Not only was it close to him but I also got a 5$ raise, so I took the job. It sucked to be away from Gianna and Hope but they always came to visit, pretty much every weekend.

Plus with Hope and Kio together I wasn't the only reason she came up to see us. But Hope and Kio actually ended up breaking up about a month ago. They couldn't really do long distance and they figured that they would be better as friends.

Which they both act normal when they're around each other and they honestly do seem happier as friends. Towards the end of their relationship it seemed like they were both stressed out a lot and they argued all the time.

Gianna is doing good to she actually popped out with a boyfriend like two months ago. She met this boy at a party that we had went to and they started seeing each other. His name is Elijah and he seems really nice, it makes me happy to see Gianna in a relationship. She also is like obsessed with him so Hope and I make fun of her all the time for it.

Maddy and Jordan are still together and they're probably doing better than any of us to be honest. Jordan actually just moved out of their house and got an apartment with Maddy, so it's just Kio and Vinnie in the house now. We still talk to him and they come over all the time so nothing has changed.

Josh is still around but his career is kinda taking off so he's not around as much. I can't blame him though Josh is the type of person to put work before anything else. He still talks to us when he can and comes over when we have parties but he's just busy now.

Nai isn't really around anymore, nothing happened between any of us with her but she kinda is just doing her own thing now.


"Maya" I heard Vinnie say as he was shaking me a little. "we landed" he said as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "I'm glad I fell asleep" I said sighing and sitting back in the seat.

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