12 - Facetime/Messages

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~Mayas POV~

I was sitting at my kitchen island on my phone while Hope was making herself toast. We were waiting for Gianna to come over so we could go to the beach.

"Vinnie's calling me" I said as I propped up my phone. "answer it" Hope said as she walked over to me. I answered the phone and it connected and it was him and Kio.

"oh my god!" Hope said shocked as she walked out the camera frame. I laughed as I looked up at her "Maya I need all you're attention right now" Vinnie said smacking his hand on his table "right now maya!" Kio yelled as I laughed.

"Aren't you off this weekend?" Vinnie asked me as I nodded my head. "Let me come see you!" Vinnie said as I looked up at Hope to see her smiling at me. "Of course, you think I'm gonna say no?" I said looking back at the phone.

"Kio you should come to" Hope said as she walked back over to me. I seen Kio look at Vinnie's phone and smile "is that an invite?" he asked as Vinnie laughed at him.

"just come with him I want to meet you in person" Hope said as Kio nodded his head. "Sounds like a plan I can't wait" Kio said as he looked over at Vinnie.

The doorbell rang and I knew it was Gianna "Giannas here so we gotta go I'll text you" I said picking my phone up. "Bye Maya!" Vinnie said as Kio waved at us. "Bye" I said smiling at them before I hung up the phone.


It was later that night and I was at the house in my bed about to go to sleep when I got a text from an unknown number.


Hey Maya i have a question

who is this?

it's kio vinnie gave me your number save mine

okay what's up?

when we come there where am i gonna sleep?

i have a couch and an air mattress so you get to pick

okay i'm gonna see if Hope will let me stay with her one of the nights

kio 💀
Idk we'll see about that one

She's been texting me don't let her fool you

I believe it but we'll just see

Okay wanna bet

no go to sleep

🙄 goodnight


Right when I sent the message I got a text from Vinnie, I clicked on it and opened our messages.


are u still up?

of course

did Kio text you

Yea I told him he has to sleep on the air mattress or couch💀

He wanted to come so idc
But you should call me

you're gonna make me stay up all night again

and what about it ?
i'm gonna call you anyway if you don't answer then i'm gonna be disappointed in you

Before I could text back my phone started ringing and it was Vinnie. I decided to mess with him and let it ring for a while.

I finally answered it and he was staring at the phone trying not to smile. "Why did you let it ring I seen you texting me back" he said as I laughed. "I need to go to sleep" I said laying down in my bed.

We ended up staying on the phone until 2:30 which was when I finally fell asleep.

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